Texas Congressman becomes first elected Dem to call on Biden to withdraw from election: 'Too much is at stake'

2 days ago 3

Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, became the archetypal House Democrat to telephone connected President Biden to retreat from the 2024 statesmanlike race, saying "too overmuch is astatine stake."

Acknowledging Biden's accomplishments for his party, Doggett said successful a Tuesday connection that "many Americans person indicated dissatisfaction with their choices successful this election."

"President Biden has continued to tally substantially down Democratic senators successful cardinal states and successful astir polls has trailed Donald Trump. I had hoped that the statement would supply immoderate momentum to alteration that. It did not. Instead of reassuring voters, the President failed to efficaciously support his galore accomplishments and exposure Trump's galore lies," Doggett said.

Lloyd Doggett

U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) speaks during a quality league connected Medicare Advantage plans successful beforehand of the U.S. Capitol connected July 25, 2023 successful Washington, DC. Joined by Medicare advocates, Congressional Democrats held a quality league "to telephone for enactment to halt wrongful delays and denials successful backstage Medicare Advantage plans, to extremity to fraudulent overpayments, and to mandate accountability for the worst actors who wounded patients." (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

"Our overriding information indispensable beryllium who has the champion anticipation of redeeming our ideology from an authoritarian takeover by a transgression and his gang," helium continued. "Too overmuch is astatine involvement to hazard a Trump triumph — excessively large a hazard to presume that what could not beryllium turned astir successful a year, what was not turned astir successful the debate, tin beryllium turned astir now."

"President Biden saved our ideology by delivering america from Trump successful 2020. He indispensable not present america to Trump successful 2024," helium added.

"I correspond the bosom of a legislature territory erstwhile represented by Lyndon Johnson. Under precise antithetic circumstances, helium made the achy determination to withdraw. President Biden should bash the same," the Texas lawmaker said. "While overmuch of his enactment has been transformational, helium pledged to beryllium transitional."

Doggett claimed Biden "has the accidental to promote a caller procreation of leaders from whom a nominee tin beryllium chosen to unite our state done an open, antiauthoritarian process."

"My determination to marque these beardown reservations nationalist is not done lightly nor does it successful immoderate mode diminish my respect for each that President Biden has achieved. Recognizing that, dissimilar Trump, President Biden's archetypal committedness has ever been to our country, not himself, I americium hopeful that helium volition marque the achy and hard determination to withdraw. I respectfully telephone connected him to bash so," helium concluded.

This is simply a processing story.

Kyle Morris covers authorities for Fox News. Story tips tin beryllium sent via email and connected X: @RealKyleMorris.

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