The June 28 Edition

2 days ago 1

Good Weekend

Have the TV streamers been spying connected Good Weekend? Because 1 caller morning, astatine the bid station, I stood staring vacantly astatine an advertisement crossed the tracks earlier realising it was spruiking a caller TV series, Hotel Cocaine. I was connected my mode to enactment to enactment the finishing touches to today’s screen story, which is astir … cocaine. Spooky, hey? Even though that amusement is acceptable successful Miami successful the 1970s and ’80s, portion Tim Elliott’s communicative is precise overmuch astir the cause successful Australia 2024. As Elliott writes, this state is successful the midst of an unprecedented cocaine boom. More than a cardinal Australians tried the cause past year, and contempt the outgo of surviving crisis, we’re forking retired up to $400 a gram for it – lone the UAE and Saudi Arabia wage more. What’s going on? Elliott unpicks each this, and the often unglamorous ramifications, successful his story. Editor, Katrina Strickland

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