"Those Versions Need To Be Buried In Cement" – 17 Casting Decisions That Practically Doomed A Film Before It Even Began

2 days ago 5

Warner Bros. Pictures

"Keanu Reeves arsenic John Constantine. Look, I similar Keanu arsenic overmuch arsenic the adjacent person, but John Constantine is simply a blonde English antheral with a acheronian consciousness of humour. Keanu didn’t adjacent deterioration the iconic bloody trench coat! 

It’s BAFFLING to maine however fanboys volition get huffy if astir comic characters don’t person truthful overmuch arsenic the close oculus colour, but you each forgave this one? (Strangely, it got truly fashionable erstwhile Matt Ryan’s Constantine was confirmed arsenic bisexual – similar the comic). The casting was horrible, and I truly privation they’d springiness maine a Matt Ryan Constantine movie alternatively of different Keanu sequel."


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