Trump, Biden to hold dueling rallies in these key states post debate as they aim to expand the 2024 map

2 days ago 2

ATLANTA - With the archetypal statesmanlike statement successful their 2024 predetermination rematch present successful the rearview mirror, President Biden and former President Trump enactment successful the South arsenic they clasp rallies successful states they're aiming to flip travel November.

Following their face-to-face on-stage showdown astatine the CNN Presidential Debate Thursday nighttime successful Atlanta, Georgia – wherever Biden struggled with a raspy dependable and delivered halting answers – the president heads to Raleigh, North Carolina, wherever he'll clasp a rally Friday successful a authorities helium mislaid to Trump by a razor-thin borderline successful 2020.

Trump, whom pundits declared the victor of the debate, volition beryllium rallying Friday successful Virginia, which helium mislaid by 10 points 4 years ago.


It's been 2 decades since a Republican carried Virginia successful the contention for the White House. 

You person to spell backmost to then-President George W. Bush, who won the Commonwealth successful his 2004 re-election victory.

But caller polling indicates a adjacent contest.


A Fox News canvass conducted June 1-4 indicated the Democratic president and his Republican predecessor successful the White House each with 48% enactment successful a head-to-head match.

In a multi-candidate race, Biden stands astatine 42% and Trump astatine 41%, with Democrat-turned-independent Robert K. Kennedy astatine 9% and Green Party campaigner Jill Stein and autarkic Cornel West each astatine 2%.

Donald Trump keeps padding his delegate pb  implicit    Nikki Haley successful  the GOP statesmanlike  information   race

Republican statesmanlike campaigner erstwhile President Donald Trump speaks astatine a run rally Saturday, March 2, 2024, successful Richmond, Va. (AP Photo/Steve Helber) (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

University of Lynchburg governmental subject prof Dave Richards, asked astir the seemingly deadlocked contention successful his state, said "politics down present are successful a confused authorities and I deliberation that's being reflected successful the polling, wherever there's not a wide front-runner."

At a closed-door Republican National Committee retreat for top-dollar donors earlier this outpouring astatine a edifice successful Palm Beach, Florida, elder Trump run advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita and seasoned pollster Tony Fabrizio spotlighted interior surveys that suggested some "Minnesota & Virginia are intelligibly successful play."

"In some states, Donald Trump finds himself successful positions to flip cardinal electoral votes successful his favor," the survey, which was shared with Fox News, emphasizes. 

And according to a memo from the Trump run obtained past week by Fox News, the erstwhile president's squad is aiming to unfastened 8 offices successful Minnesota and 11 successful Virginia and prosecute unit to negociate the caller locations.


Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia agrees, astatine slightest erstwhile it comes to his state.

A mates of days up of the Fox News poll's release, the politician said successful a Fox News Digital interrogation that "we're present successful June and there’s inactive a batch of h2o to spell nether the bridge, but Virginia looks similar it's successful play and that’s beauteous exciting."

Glenn Youngkin, Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin conscionable for the archetypal clip successful June 2024. (Trump Campaign)

Youngkin volition articulation Trump astatine Friday's rally astatine the historical Greenbriar Farms successful Chesapeake, Virginia.

The governor's quality volition apt spark much speculation astir Youngkin arsenic a imaginable moving mate. The 2 politicians met successful idiosyncratic 2 weeks for the archetypal clip ever, arsenic they discussed flipping Virginia successful the autumn election.


When asked successful a caller interrogation with Fox News' Aishah Hasnie astir Youngkin, Trump said he's "great" and "I deliberation I could see it."

Biden connected Friday volition beryllium successful Raleigh, North Carolina's superior city. The Biden run said that the president and First Lady Jill Biden volition beryllium joined by "Grammy-nominated artist, entrepreneur and philanthropist Fat Joe, successful summation to multi-platinum instrumentalist and entrepreneur E-40."

The president mislaid the authorities by conscionable 74,000 votes 4 years ago. The latest polls successful the authorities bespeak Trump with a mid-single digit advantage.

As helium aims to beryllium the archetypal Democrat since erstwhile President Obama successful 2008 to transportation North Carolina, he's beefed up his campaign's footprint successful the authorities and flooded the airwaves with ads.

President Biden returns to North Carolina connected  Friday June 28, the time  aft  the archetypal  statement   with Trump, to clasp  a rally successful  the cardinal  battleground state

President Joe Biden gestures arsenic helium delivers remarks connected his economical program during a sojourn to Abbotts Creek Community Center successful Raleigh, North Carolina, connected January 18, 2024. REUTERS/Nathan Howard (REUTERS/Nathan Howard)

Biden's halt adjacent week volition beryllium his 4th truthful acold this twelvemonth successful North Carolina, which has seen a surge of caller residents since the 2020 predetermination that perchance whitethorn payment the Democratic incumbent.

"I deliberation with the information that lone 75K votes differentiated betwixt Trump and Biden, and the information that registered Republicans person a higher turnout complaint than registered Democrats, I deliberation Biden’s run sees the opportunity," Michael Bitzer, seat of the authorities section astatine Catawba College.

But Bitzer emphasized "it’s an accidental lone if they put successful the crushed operations to marque that turnout work."

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Paul Steinhauser is simply a authorities newsman based successful New Hampshire. 

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