Water scarcity: Policy intervention alone won’t help

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premium Opinion

Dharmendra Chandurkar 4 min read 14 Jun 2024, 03:00 PM IST

From readying  and goal-setting to utilizing caller  starts, determination   are a scope  of behavioural levers and combinations that tin  beryllium  utilized  to nudge metropolis  dwellers to conserve water. From readying and goal-setting to utilizing caller starts, determination are a scope of behavioural levers and combinations that tin beryllium utilized to nudge metropolis dwellers to conserve water.


  • India is falling abbreviated of this captious resource. The authorities has a relation successful augmenting supplies but we request a citizen-centric attack to the businesslike usage of water. Let’s leverage behavioural nudges and reset societal norms for a sustainable solution to this crisis.

Images of water tankers and radical hustling astir with pots, buckets and cans person go a communal sight. We person seen it often successful regions similar Marathwada successful Maharashtra oregon Saurashtra successful Gujarat.

Now, we spot it successful Delhi too; successful March, it was successful Bengaluru. With h2o levels successful our centrally monitored reservoirs astatine a five-year low, districts crossed 16 states look utmost shortages, adjacent arsenic extended spells of vigor waves go predominant on with erratic and less-than-normal monsoon rains.

Strict policing, terrible fines, states taking different states to tribunal for water—these item the desperation. There seems to beryllium nary sustainable solution. But the situation has not been created successful a day, and truthful requires a strategical multi-faceted effect implicit the agelong term—from transboundary to determination and section solutions. 

Investments to heighten nett h2o availability, amended pricing, metering and regulations are immoderate supply-side responses. A humongous resource-intensive request is for Indian cities to future-proof themselves against specified crises.

Also read: ’50 cardinal gallons shortage per day, tanker mafia not the lone problem,’ Atishi connected however to lick Delhi’s h2o scarcity

Equally important are demand-side interventions to inculcate an ethos of h2o conservation. Water is precious and should not beryllium a origin of stress. To guarantee arsenic much, we request citizen-centric approaches. Citizens are the ones affected, but they indispensable besides beryllium the ones who assistance lick the scarcity with businesslike h2o usage with minimal waste.

Think of nudges: Interventions that leverage behavioural insights tin beryllium low-cost oregon no-cost alternatives. We indispensable nudge metropolis folks to follow h2o conservation behaviour and importantly trim its use. Across the globe, these greenish 'nudges' are being employed arsenic argumentation options for conservation and clime action.

What are the insights that could assistance successful nudging our metropolis folks towards h2o conservation behaviour?

People thin to justice their ain behaviour against what is considered the societal norm and often alteration their behaviour to conform with it. There is simply a assemblage of grounds that underscores the usage of societal comparisons for reducing h2o usage and encouraging sustainability. “Three-fourths of our guests reuse the towels" (or immoderate such) is astir a ubiquitous connection recovered crossed each reputed hotels successful the world. 

The connection nudges edifice guests towards the desired behaviour, with the prevailing norm underlined for guests to see. Messaging that invokes societal norms, specified arsenic from nonmigratory payment associations of lodging societies saying “80% of residents usage buckets and mugs to bathe," oregon “use tumblers/turn disconnected the pat portion brushing/shaving," tin perchance thrust radical to usage little water.

Also read: Water level successful reservoirs shrinks further to 27% of retention capacity

Turn nudges effective: The person the nudge is to the action, the amended the accidental of the desired behaviour being adopted. So, a tiny sticker saying “close pat portion brushing" connected a bath vanity reflector is much effectual successful fostering conservation behaviour than a wide TV run oregon hoarding urging the same.

A survey by the Centre for Excellence successful Change, Chennai, showed the effectiveness of “stickers astatine depletion point" successful h2o conservation. Or, for that matter, a tiny sticker connected the flush fastener could perchance halve h2o usage. The thought is to marque the connection salient astatine the constituent of enactment oregon use.

Alterations successful however choices are presented tin besides enactment arsenic nudges. The classical illustration is reducing the size of the sheet truthful that radical instrumentality smaller helpings and frankincense devour less—a nudge towards steadfast eating arsenic good arsenic reduced nutrient waste. A low-flow shower-head tin importantly trim h2o consumed; a regular ablution caput has an estimated mean travel complaint of astir 9 litres per minute, which is overmuch excessively high. 

However, a overmuch amended enactment would beryllium to simply usage a bucket and mug with a low-flow tap. A low-waste h2o purifier is different specified thought that tin heighten usage efficiency. Else, successful galore cases, astir 3 litres whitethorn beryllium wasted forevery litre of h2o purified. Changes successful the prime architecture tin effect successful debased h2o consumption.

Also read: A well-integrated enactment program is needed to lick India's h2o crisis

Make it a people’s movement: From planning, goal-setting and astute metering to utilizing caller starts, determination are a scope of different behavioural levers and combinations that tin beryllium employed to nudge metropolis dwellers to conserve water.

Yes, the authorities should bash more. But determination is simply a batch that the citizens indispensable bash too. The nature, standard and interaction of this environmental—rather, existential—crisis necessitates that citizens play a highly progressive relation successful solving it. People request to admit themselves arsenic an instrumentality of change. 

Sustainable solutions necessitate that the conservation tenets of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ are portion of our mundane lives. Behavioural nudges tin guarantee that h2o conservation is adopted not conscionable successful times of scarcity, but it becomes a mode of life.

The writer is co- laminitis of Sambodhi, a societal interaction advisory.

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