Welcome LGBTQ+ at Work: Ashish Chopra’s inspiring story of inclusion and acceptance at Google

2 days ago 4

Meta Description: Discover Ashish Chopra's inspiring travel successful our 'Welcome LGBTQ+ astatine Work' run finale. A Full Life Cycle Recruiter astatine Google and co-founder of BeUnic, Ashish shares his experiences and insights connected inclusivity, resilience, and being existent to oneself successful the workplace.

In the last occurrence of our 'Welcome LGBTQ+ astatine Work' campaign, we diagnostic Ashish Chopra, a Full Life Cycle Recruiter astatine Google and a celebrated fig successful the LGBTQ+ community. Ashish's travel from facing rejection owed to his quality to uncovering an inclusive situation astatine Google showcases the powerfulness of resilience and authenticity. As the archetypal runner-up successful Mr. Gay India 2018, a resistance artist, and a co-founder of BeUnic, Ashish's communicative highlights the value of inclusivity and enactment successful the workplace. He offers invaluable proposal to LGBTQ+ professionals and emphasizes the request for unbiased recruitment processes and allyship. Ashish's experiences service arsenic a beacon of anticipation and inspiration, advocating for diverseness and inclusion successful the firm world.

As our ‘Welcome LGBTQ+ astatine Work’ run comes to an end, we are privileged to diagnostic Ashish Chopra successful our last episode. Ashish, a Full Life Cycle Recruiter astatine Google, is simply a distinguished nonrecreational and a celebrated fig successful the LGBTQ+ community. He was the archetypal runner-up successful Mr. Gay India 2018, a resistance artist, and a palmy entrepreneur, having co-founded BeUnic, a community-oriented e-commerce level empowering LGBTQ artists and designers. His travel is 1 of resilience, courage, and triumph implicit adversity.

Ashish shares his archetypal experiences of navigating his vocation arsenic an LGBTQ+ professional, emphasizing the challenges helium faced. "Navigating my vocation was precise daunting. In fact, I retrieve attending a batch of occupation interviews with vibrant greenish hair, and I had 7 piercings connected my face. And I got rejected left, right, and center. I was not hired anyplace astatine all. In fact, immoderate of them would inquire maine arsenic good what aft joining the organization, would you change? Would you colour your hairsbreadth black? Would you region your piercings? And I would accidental nary due to the fact that I precise intelligibly told them this is me. That is I don't privation to alteration myself to articulation your organization."

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Despite these rejections, Ashish persevered. He reflects connected the infinitesimal erstwhile helium compromised connected his quality for occupation interviews. “The time I colored my hairsbreadth black, the time I removed my piercings for a batch of the interviews, I got the connection missive the adjacent day. So I'm assuming it was that. I had this conception successful my caput that I would person to fell my existent aforesaid successful the firm world. I cannot beryllium my implicit self.”

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HomeCompaniesPeopleWelcome LGBTQ+ astatine Work: Ashish Chopra’s inspiring communicative of inclusion and acceptance astatine Google

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