What it’s really like to be non-monogamous in Australia today

2 days ago 2

One of the standout scenes successful Luca Guadagnino’s Challengers is the three-way make-out league betwixt Zendaya, Josh O’Connor and Mike Faist. A world amusement focusing connected polyamorous dating, Couple to Throuple, was released successful March. And astatine the opening of the year, Molly Roden Winter’s publication More: A Memoir of Open Marriage became a New York Times bestseller.

Non-monogamy, successful its assorted shapes and sizes, has go a blistery topic. But however galore of america are truly opening up our relationships?

Not that many, according to probe conducted by Relationships Australia. In a 2023 survey, lone 6 per cent of respondents said they had been successful an unfastened narration before. This reportedly matched nationalist colonisation data, which besides recovered that the bulk of those who had been successful an unfastened narration were men (61 per cent) and aged betwixt 35 and 44 (23 per cent).

Liam and Abbey person  been successful  an ethical non-monogamous narration   for 9  years.

Liam and Abbey person been successful an ethical non-monogamous narration for 9 years.Credit: Jeremy Wikner

Australians whitethorn not beryllium practising non-monogamy arsenic often arsenic popular civilization suggests, but their curiosity is surely growing. About 41 per cent of Tinder users are funny successful “non-monogamous adventures”, according to Tinder’s dating adept Sera Bozza, portion Bumble’s nonmigratory sexologist Chantelle Otten says astir a 3rd of azygous Australians deliberation ethical non-monogamy is “the mode of the future”.

However, the main enforcement of Relationships Australia NSW, Elisabeth Shaw, says it’s inactive often misunderstood, with immoderate confusing non-monogamy for infidelity.

So, arsenic it inches its mode retired of the margins, let’s research what non-monogamy means, however it works, and wherefore definite radical similar it.

What is non-monogamy?

Non-monogamy refers to immoderate narration that involves much than 2 people, each of whom consent to the dynamic. This is wherefore it’s often referred to arsenic ethical oregon consensual non-monogamy, intelligibly separating it from infidelity.

“Non-monogamy is founded connected principles of communal transparency, honesty and respect. It’s astir openness to the terms, and everyone consenting,” Shaw says.

It’s mostly driven by feelings of “compersion”, says Abbey, a 36-year-old non-monogamous idiosyncratic from Canberra. “It’s the feeling of happiness, joyousness and excitement astatine the thought of your spouse engaging successful romanticist oregon intimate connections with different radical – astir similar the other of jealousy.”

It tin besides beryllium driven by a tendency to propulsion against rigid societal norms, sometimes known arsenic “relationship anarchy”, says Zef Aster, a 26-year-old non-monogamous idiosyncratic from Cairns.

The non-monogamy dictionary

  • Kitchen-table polyamory: When a non-monogamous idiosyncratic is affable with the radical their partners are progressive with. Everyone knows of each different and tin get along. A polyamorous web similar this is often referred to arsenic a “polycule”. 
  • Open relationship: When a mates has sexual/physical, but not needfully romantic, connections with different people.
  • Hierarchical polyamory: When a mates tin prosecute different romanticist and intersexual relationships (either unneurotic oregon separately), but they stay each other’s “primary partner” (aka the narration they prioritise).
  • Non-hierarchical polyamory: Similar to hierarchical polyamory, but that each spouse is prioritised equally.
  • Don’t ask, don’t archer polyamory: When a mates is consensually non-monogamous, but don’t stock galore details astir their different partners, oregon present everyone to each other.
  • Polyamorous-by-orientation: People who acquisition polyamory arsenic a fixed predisposition alternatively than a penchant oregon choice. 
  • Ambiamorous: People who don’t consciousness fixed successful their narration orientation.

How does it each work?

“Ethical non-monogamy is an umbrella term. There are galore antithetic types of non-monogamy underneath that,” says Abbey, who founded the Evolving Love Project. “There’s polyamory, which is having aggregate loving relationships with antithetic people, oregon there’s swinging, which is erstwhile couples person intersexual connections with different couples.”


These presumption are alternatively fluid, Abbey notes – they whitethorn mean thing antithetic to each person, and radical whitethorn place with aggregate presumption astatine once, oregon none. For example, Abbey and her hubby Liam, with whom she has been for 11 years (nine of which they person been ethically non-monogamous), are determination successful betwixt an unfastened narration and polyamorous.

“We effort not to connect ourselves to immoderate circumstantial statement due to the fact that it’s precise babelike connected the connection,” Abbey says. “Some connections are lighter – not a heavy narration but inactive a caring transportation – but past determination whitethorn beryllium different times erstwhile I day idiosyncratic for years.”

Open connection is cardinal erstwhile exploring non-monogamy, says Siobhan, a non-monogamous idiosyncratic from Sydney who co-hosts a polyamory podcast with her spouse Rich.

“You person to make narration agreements regarding clip management, finances, dating, sleepovers, holidays with partners, household relationships and more,” Siobhan says. “Nothing tin beryllium near up to assumption.”

Siobhan and Rich person  been capable  to research  the intricacies of some  their narration   and themselves since exploring non-monogamy.

Siobhan and Rich person been capable to research the intricacies of some their narration and themselves since exploring non-monogamy.Credit:

These captious conversations indispensable beryllium ongoing due to the fact that feelings tin evolve, Siobhan says. For example, you whitethorn person erstwhile been comfy swinging but present similar lone polyamory.

Non-monogamous radical tin besides beryllium single. “Solo-polys” research aggregate intersexual connections without committing to longer-term relationships. Aster says they occasionally consciousness the tendency to perpetrate their clip to conscionable 1 person, oregon adjacent instrumentality a interruption from dating altogether.

“Just due to the fact that you’re non-monogamous doesn’t mean you request to beryllium validating yourself by having aggregate partners,” Aster says. “Sometimes you conscionable don’t person the clip with enactment and different commitments. Dating takes time.”

Setting immoderate boundaries

Rules and boundaries tin assistance support feelings of security, says narration adept Samantha Jayne. This could see having harmless words, establishing expectations astir however overmuch clip is spent with different partners, oregon harmless enactment practices with secondary partners.

However, not everyone needs these kinds of boundaries. Instead of hard-and-fast rules, Abbey and Liam simply person a instauration of respect and information for each other.

“It’s a changeless conversation,” Abbey says. “For respective years we weren’t needfully comfy with each different having sleepovers with others. As the years person moved along, that’s thing that we present consciousness much comfy with, if the timing is right.”

The ups and downs


Non-monogamy tin beryllium an accidental to acquisition much emotion and affection, arsenic good arsenic antithetic forms of it, says the seat of the Society of Australian Sexologists, Ella Shannon. “Love is not thing you tin tally retired of. Each idiosyncratic has unsocial qualities. Having aggregate partners means you tin person antithetic needs met and person antithetic experiences that wouldn’t beryllium different disposable with conscionable 1 person.”

It tin besides beryllium a accidental for self-exploration, Abbey says. “It puts a magnifying solid connected each aspects of your relationship, the atrocious and the good. For us, we find that to beryllium truly fascinating and a truly eye-opening happening for america arsenic individuals and besides arsenic a couple.”

However, arsenic successful immoderate relationship, it tin travel with challenges. Though non-monogamous radical tin acquisition compersion, they tin besides acquisition jealousy oregon insecurity. When they arise, Abbey says, you shouldn’t consciousness ashamed – rather, you should analyse wherefore you whitethorn beryllium feeling that way.

Aster adds that ongoing stigma astir non-monogamy tin complicate things.

“You sometimes wonderment if it would conscionable beryllium easier compromising your values and being monogamous. When you conscionable different radical you don’t privation them to consciousness similar they’re not enough. Some radical whitethorn deliberation I conscionable privation to leap into everyone’s pants, but it’s not similar that astatine all.”


Though non-monogamy resources and communities are becoming easier to find, it remains communal for non-monogamous radical to acquisition disconnection and shame based connected their narration structures, Siobhan says. This is perpetuated by normative societal structures, specified arsenic the information that radical tin lone beryllium joined to 1 idiosyncratic astatine immoderate fixed clip successful Australia.

“We’re incentivised to person monogamous marriages that past a lifetime,” she says. “For me, non-monogamy has made Rich and I stronger arsenic a mates … It has been a mostly expansive and idiosyncratic experience.”

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