What’s left for the Supreme Court to decide? 4 cases remain and here are the major ones

2 days ago 1

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has 4 cases inactive undecided. In particular, the justices are inactive weighing whether erstwhile President Donald Trump is immune from transgression prosecution successful the predetermination interference lawsuit against him, astir 2 months aft proceeding arguments. Though the justices typically contented each of their rulings by the extremity of June, this word they are expected to proceed into aboriginal July.

The tribunal heard 61 cases this term.

Here's a look astatine 3 of the large undecided cases: Presidential immunity

Donald Trump is arguing that erstwhile presidents are immune from prosecution for authoritative acts they took successful bureau and that the indictment helium faces connected charges of predetermination interference indispensable beryllium dismissed.

The Supreme Court has antecedently ruled that erstwhile presidents can’t beryllium sued successful civilian cases for what they did successful office, but it has ne'er weighed successful connected transgression immunity.

The timing of the determination whitethorn beryllium arsenic important arsenic the outcome. Trump’s proceedings successful Washington, D.C., whitethorn not instrumentality spot earlier the November election, adjacent if the tribunal rules helium is not immune. Social media

Two cases impact social media laws successful Texas and Florida that would bounds however Facebook, TikTok, X, YouTube and different societal media platforms modulate contented posted by their users. While the details vary, some laws aimed to code blimpish complaints that the societal media companies were liberal-leaning and censored users based connected their viewpoints, particularly connected the governmental right.


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HomeCompaniesNewsWhat’s near for the Supreme Court to decide? 4 cases stay and present are the large ones

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