What to Watch: The Supreme Court's decision on Trump immunity is expected Monday

3 days ago 3

Supreme Court justices are taking the seat to merchandise their past fewer opinions of the term, including their astir intimately watched case: whether erstwhile President Donald Trump has immunity from transgression prosecution


WASHINGTON -- WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court's last time of the term volition beryllium Monday, erstwhile it issues a captious determination connected whether erstwhile President Donald Trump has immunity from prosecution for his actions related to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection astatine the U.S. Capitol.

Here's what to watch:

The tribunal typically begins issuing opinions astatine 10 a.m. ET.

Associated Press reporters volition beryllium penning a unrecorded blog connected the greeting of the opinions. You tin find it astatine apnews.com.

The sentiment decides whether Trump, the archetypal ex-president to look transgression charges, stands proceedings successful Washington.

The court’s handling of the issue already has provoked criticism, including questions astir whether it was indispensable to instrumentality up the contented astatine all, fixed that a national appeals tribunal rejected it, and much precocious that it has not yet been decided.

The Supreme Court has acted acold much speedily successful different epic cases involving statesmanlike power, including successful the Watergate tapes case. Nearly 50 years ago, the tribunal ruled 8-0 a specified 16 days aft proceeding arguments that Richard Nixon had to crook implicit recordings of Oval Office conversations, rejecting his assertion of enforcement privilege.

The existent precocious tribunal constitution took little than a period to rule unanimously that the Constitution’s post-Civil War “insurrection clause” couldn’t beryllium utilized by states to footwear Trump disconnected the statesmanlike ballot.

Even if the tribunal sides against Trump, the timing of its determination means Trump whitethorn not basal proceedings earlier the 2024 election. If helium is elected again, helium could name a caller lawyer general, who could person the lawsuit dismissed.

The nine-member tribunal present includes 3 blimpish justices appointed by Trump and 2 different blimpish justices who person rejected calls to measurement distant from the Jan. 6 cases due to the fact that of questions astir their impartiality.

The justices besides person 3 different cases remaining connected the docket Monday, including different large lawsuit implicit societal media laws successful Texas and Florida that could bounds however platforms modulate contented posted. Both laws aimed to code blimpish complaints that the societal media companies were liberal-leaning and censored users based connected their viewpoints, particularly connected the governmental right.


Follow the AP’s sum of the U.S. Supreme Court astatine https://apnews.com/hub/us-supreme-court.

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