White House to take questions on camera for 1st time since debate

2 days ago 1

White House property caput Karine Jean-Pierre volition code the briefing country Tuesday for the archetypal clip since President Biden's rocky statement performance. 

In the aftermath of Thursday's statement successful Atlanta, Jean-Pierre did clasp a property gaggle aboard Air Force One portion en way to Queens, New York, connected Friday, but Tuesday volition beryllium the archetypal clip she returns to the White House briefing country to tract questions connected camera. Biden returned to the White House Monday nighttime aft gathering with household astatine Camp David successful Maryland implicit the weekend. 

During the property gaggle with Jean-Pierre, run communications manager Michael Tyler referenced Biden's remarks astatine a Friday post-debate rally successful Raleigh, North Carolina.

Reading from a teleprompter and addressing a unrecorded audience, successful opposition with the debate, the president told cheering supporters, "I don’t locomotion arsenic casual arsenic I utilized to. I don’t talk arsenic smoothly arsenic I utilized to. I don't statement arsenic good arsenic I utilized to. But I cognize what I bash know: I cognize however to archer the truth." 


Jean-Pierre astatine  White House podium

White House property caput Karine Jean-Pierre speaks astatine a property briefing astatine the White House connected June 18, 2024 successful Washington, D.C. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

"Obviously, I deliberation the president said himself he’s not arsenic bully arsenic a debater arsenic helium utilized to be. He doesn’t locomotion oregon speech arsenic smoothly arsenic helium utilized to. But helium knows however to combat similar hell. And I deliberation helium showed that contiguous successful North Carolina," Tyler said. "And so, that’s what the American radical are going to proceed to spot time successful and time retired for the remainder of this campaign: a president successful Joe Biden who understands he’s ne'er going to halt warring for the American people, and he’s ne'er going to halt contrasting that against Donald Trump, who each azygous time is intelligibly warring for himself. 

"So, I deliberation the President is honorable astir his ain performance. But arsenic acold arsenic what past night’s statement really provided for the American people, it — it crystallized the menace — it begins to crystallize the menace that Donald Trump poses," helium added. 

After a drawstring of run events successful New York and New Jersey connected Saturday, archetypal woman Jill Biden and the president's children and grandchildren gathered astatine Camp David reportedly to promote the president to enactment successful the contention contempt uproar wrong the Democratic Party questioning whether the existent commander-in-chief is simply a viable campaigner to nominate for a 2nd term. 

Reports said Biden's household connected Sunday blamed run staffers, arguing they did not adequately hole the president for the CNN statement against erstwhile President Trump. 

President Biden astatine  debate

President Biden is seen astatine past week's statesmanlike debate. (Kyle Mazza/Anadolu via Getty Images)


According to a caller study by Politico connected Tuesday, a elder medication authoritative claimed that immoderate of

President Biden's

apical officials are "scared s---less" of displeasing him successful regular briefings. 

"It’s like, ‘You can’t see that, that volition acceptable him off,’ oregon ‘Put that in, helium likes that,’" a elder medication authoritative told Politico connected background. "It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because helium is not a pleasant idiosyncratic to beryllium astir erstwhile he’s being briefed. It’s precise difficult, and radical are frightened [s---less] of him."

The authoritative told Politico that Biden is unwilling to instrumentality proposal from extracurricular his tiny interior circle, becoming progressively isolated from wider nationalist opinion and input.

Biden connected  the telephone  walking to committee  Air Force One aft  debate

President Biden talks connected the telephone arsenic helium walks to committee Air Force One astatine McGuire Air Force Base connected Saturday, June 29, 2024 successful Burlington County, New Jersey. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

"He doesn’t instrumentality proposal from anyone different than those fewer apical aides, and it becomes a cleanable tempest due to the fact that helium conscionable gets much and much isolated from their efforts to power it," the authoritative reportedly told Politico.


White House elder lawman property caput Andrew Bates pushed backmost connected the Politico report's assertion that unit are acrophobic of the president, telling Fox News Digital, "That’s simply not who [Biden] is." 

Jeane-Pierre's White House property briefing is scheduled to commencement Tuesday astatine 2:30 p.m. ET.

Fox News' Timothy H.J. Nerozzi contributed to this report.

Danielle Wallace is simply a newsman for Fox News Digital covering politics, crime, constabulary and more. Story tips tin beryllium sent to danielle.wallace@fox.com and connected Twitter: @danimwallace. 

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