Almond shortbread jam (or marmalade) drops

2 days ago 3
You tin  usage  immoderate  benignant  of jam here, but Stephanie Alexander’s mum’s kumquat marmalade is Helen’s favourite.
You tin usage immoderate benignant of jam here, but Stephanie Alexander’s mum’s kumquat marmalade is Helen’s favourite.William Meppem

I americium ne'er without a jar of Stephanie Alexander’s mum’s kumquat marmalade. Its beingness successful my fridge, with its gorgeous aureate hue, is endlessly cheering successful the depths of winter: I’ve been known to devour it consecutive from the jar oregon with heavy Greek yoghurt spooned alongside.

A teaspoonful of it, arsenic I precocious discovered portion tinkering successful the kitchen, baked into shortbread, provides a lovely, bittersweet and chewy counterpoint to the crumbly biscuit. Of course, you tin usage immoderate benignant of jam here, but bash springiness this fantabulous marmalade a go; the look is successful Stephanie’s The Cook’s Companion. Just retrieve you request to portion the kumquats alternatively of quartering them if you’re making these biscuits.


  • 110g unsalted butter, astatine country temperature

  • 50g caster sugar

  • zest of 1 lemon

  • scraped seeds from ½ vanilla pod oregon ½ tsp vanilla paste

  • ¼ tsp flaky oversea salt

  • 100g plain flour, sifted

  • 60g almond meal

  • 50g slivered almonds

  • about 80g kumquat marmalade (or immoderate jam of your choice)


  1. Step 1

    Place the butter, sugar, zest, vanilla seeds (or paste) and brackish successful the vessel of an electrical mixer and bushed with the paddle attachment connected medium-high velocity until airy and creamy (about 2 minutes). Scrape the basal and sides of the vessel with a flexible spatula and bushed for a fewer seconds much to guarantee the substance is smooth. Add the sifted flour and almond repast and premix connected debased velocity until conscionable combined.

  2. Step 2

    Scrape the dough onto a cleanable enactment aboveground and knead precise mildly to bring it unneurotic into a ball. Cover and chill for a fewer minutes successful the fridge portion you preheat the oven to 150C fan-forced (170C conventional) and enactment 1 ample (or 2 smaller) baking tray(s) with baking paper.

  3. Step 3

    Place the slivered almonds successful a ziplock container and bash them astir with a rolling pin until they are lightly crushed, past transportation to a bowl.

  4. Step 4

    Remove the shortbread dough from the fridge (if it’s inactive precise soft, permission successful the fridge for a fewer minutes longer). Pinch disconnected 25g pieces and rotation into balls, past spot 1 astatine a clip successful the vessel of slivered almonds to flip and overgarment successful the nuts. Place the nut-covered balls connected the baking tray, spaced astir 5cm apart.

  5. Step 5

    Press your thumb into the centre of each shot to signifier a depression, past utilizing a tiny teaspoon, driblet immoderate of the kumquat jam into the hole, being cautious not to overfill.

  6. Step 6

    Place the tray(s) into the preheated oven and cook the shortbreads for astir 35 minutes – until the jam is bubbling and the cookies commencement to instrumentality connected colour connected their bases and sides.

  7. Step 7

    Remove the trays from the oven and let to chill connected the tray for a fewer minutes earlier transferring onto a ligament rack to chill completely.

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