Years-long delays holding up vital advice that could help prevent family violence

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“We are perpetually striving to trim lawsuit timeframes, portion balancing the request to guarantee each decease is thoroughly investigated – to supply answers to families and place important prevention opportunities that marque Victoria safer.”

The past dedicated backing boost for the reappraisal portion was provided successful 2018, erstwhile the unit’s caseload had doubled from 30 to 60 cases a year. The $1.9 cardinal allocation accrued the size of the squad to 7 positions. This came aft the scope of investigations was expanded to see suicides of immoderate enactment progressive successful a household unit incident.

Two years later, successful 2020, the caseload accrued to 100 deaths a year.

The Victorian Systemic Review of Family Violence Deaths:

  • Examines deaths suspected to person resulted from household violence
  • Identifies risks and contributory factors associated with deaths resulting from household violence
  • Identifies trends and patterns successful deaths resulting from household violence
  • Identifies trends and patterns successful responses to household violence

“Whilst the size of the squad has remained the aforesaid since 2018, the complexity of galore of the investigations has increased,” the tribunal spokesperson said.

The Coroners Court and Court Services Victoria, the oversight bureau that manages the operations of Victoria’s tribunal system, person not made requests to the authorities for further backing for the reappraisal portion program.

Animal Justice Party MP Georgie Purcell, who raised concerns astir a “two-year waitlist” and the backing contented successful parliament successful May, said the authorities was spending billions connected its signature infrastructure projects but had failed to supply the wealth to backmost cardinal programs similar the reappraisal portion successful the midst of a nationalist household unit crisis.


“This is fundamentally putting a terms connected women’s lives and the attempts by families to question justice, which is unacceptable astatine immoderate clip but peculiarly close present erstwhile radical are pleading with governments to bash thing astir this,” she said.

“This is simply a straightforward mode to amusement that they’re taking gendered unit seriously. It tin beryllium actioned immediately, doesn’t necessitate legislation, and simply requires them to unfastened the nationalist purse — yet they haven’t done it.”

A authorities authorities spokesperson said it would proceed supporting the Coroners Court to “help families and loved ones get answers and to place ways to marque Victoria safer”.

“When women are inactive dying astatine the hands of men – we indispensable bash more. From prevention to effect to the justness system, our precocious announced reforms to code women’s information volition people household unit astatine each stage.”

The value of coronial investigations – chiefly the recommendations that are issued by a coroner to effort to assistance forestall aboriginal deaths – has been underscored by caller probe showing more than 70 per cent of men who killed their existent oregon erstwhile pistillate partners had astatine slightest 2 interactions with police, the ineligible strategy oregon kid extortion anterior to the killings.

Tania Farha, main enforcement of the household and gender-based unit highest assemblage Safe and Equal, said coronial investigations were a unsocial process that allowed victims’ families a accidental to recognize what had occurred and an accidental for betterment of the justness and societal systems to forestall further violence.

“I deliberation 1 of the problems with the information that they’re truthful delayed is that by the clip the outcomes happen, the system’s changed already. You request timely outcomes truthful that you tin truly recognize close determination and past what needs to change.”


The delays successful completing investigations into household violence-related deaths travel arsenic the Coroners Court has had a crisp summation successful wide workload and an summation successful processing times.

The fig of cases reported to the tribunal has risen 10 per cent successful the past 5 years, portion the fig of cases that instrumentality much than 2 years to reason has much than doubled to 1 successful 10 of each deaths nether investigation.

The tribunal said the summation successful processing times was partially owed to delays created by the COVID-19 pandemic and it had made a “concerted effort” to drawback up.

“This is 1 of the reasons wherefore a marked summation successful the proportionality of cases closed aft 24 months was observed successful 2021–22 and 2022–23,” a spokesperson said.

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