Panthers count cost of Origin as Cowboys ride away with points

1 day ago 4

The Panthers missed the acquisition of a big of elder players arsenic 2 of the astir Origin-affected sides successful the contention went head-to-head successful Penrith connected Sunday

With a full of 10 players crossed the Panthers and Cowboys owed to the 2nd Origin clash successful Melbourne earlier successful the week, the location broadside lacked absorption successful a 16-6 decision to North Queensland.

Jaxon Purdue is sent to the sin-bin.

Jaxon Purdue is sent to the sin-bin.Credit: Getty Images

Brian To’o, Dylan Edwards, Jarome Luai and Liam Martin were each rested for the Panthers, portion the Cowboys were missing Reece Robson, Tom Dearden, Reuben Cotter, Valentine Holmes, Jeremiah Nanai and Murray Taulagi.

Even with a treble first-half sin-bin for North Queensland, the Panthers were lone capable to muster six points for the game, with the Cowboy’s scrambling goal-line defence excessively bully for a clunky Panthers attack.

Cowboys fullback Scott Drinkwater was the archetypal to spell to the bin, successful the 13th infinitesimal for a nonrecreational foul aft the visitors had fixed distant 3 repetition sets successful beforehand of their line.

It was a gallant effort from North Queensland, who kept the Panthers scoreless during that time, but Penrith were yet capable to find a ace successful their defence aft Jaxon Purdue was sent to the bin for a travel connected Daine Laurie.

Brad Schneider scores the Panthers lone  effort   connected  Sunday afternoon.

Brad Schneider scores the Panthers lone effort connected Sunday afternoon. Credit: Getty Images

Brad Schneider got the Panthers’ archetypal and lone points during that time, slipping done the Cowboys enactment to spell implicit adjacent to the sticks.

Isaah Yeo was the lone Origin subordinate to backmost up, and the Panthers recovered immoderate bushed erstwhile the skipper came onto the tract aft 20 minutes, but North Queensland roseate to the challenge.


Schneider’s kicking crippled was blistery and cold, with fans and players opening to conifer for the premiership-winning operation of Luai and Nathan Cleary.

Coach Ivan Cleary had said the nine were hopeful Nathan would instrumentality aft the adjacent bye, which would mean a comeback against the Dolphins successful circular 20.

Cleary said Nathan was running, but was inactive “a spot off” hitting apical velocity and moving drills with the team.

“Certainly going done his rehab, going well. Let’s anticipation what keeps going good ... the past happening we each privation is simply a re-injury.”

Sunday’s effect moved North Queensland into the apical 8 for the archetypal clip since circular seven.

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