Dons sit in the top four, but here’s why their issues go far beyond a few controversial umpiring calls

1 day ago 5

After 13 rounds past twelvemonth Essendon were sixth connected the ladder having won 8 games. After 16 games this twelvemonth they are 4th connected the ladder with 9 wins. Last twelvemonth the wheels fell off, and they lone won 3 much games for the year. Given the mode they finished the 2nd fractional of Saturday night, they are successful information of fading distant again.

Yes, decisions went against them successful the 3rd 4th connected Saturday night. Sam Draper’s arms were chopped erstwhile helium was clattered into beforehand connected by Gary Rohan. Though aft Draper’s bully luck earlier successful the twelvemonth with his swan dive connected the shot against Adelaide, helium is improbable to beryllium overly complaining astir an injustice.

Dejected Essendon players aft  the club’s nonaccomplishment   to Geelong.

Dejected Essendon players aft the club’s nonaccomplishment to Geelong.Credit: Getty Images

The rushed down escaped footwear was wrong. Under unit by 2 players adjacent to him and lone a fewer metres from goal, Jye Menzie ran the shot implicit the enactment portion 2 Geelong players flapped their arms appealing for a escaped alternatively than attempting to tackle him. Was Menzie much than 3 metres from the enactment erstwhile helium walked it over? Didn’t look similar it. Was helium nether pressure? The Cats players had peeled distant to entreaty for the free, truthful arguably not, but Menzie wouldn’t person known that. Like the escaped against Lachie Sullivan earlier successful the year, the rules volition astir apt accidental the umpire was wrong his rights to wage the escaped adjacent if others wouldn’t have. But it was not to the tone of that law.

Essendon manager  Brad Scott has plentifulness  to ponder.

Essendon manager Brad Scott has plentifulness to ponder.Credit: AFL Photos

Those frees undoubtedly sapped momentum but arsenic the Essendon players were incorrect connected the nighttime to dwell connected those moments, they would beryllium unwise to linger connected them arsenic the origin of the nonaccomplishment successful the aftermath.

After the game, Brad Scott seemed rightly little funny successful what the umpires did oregon didn’t bash than what his players didn’t do. Like person scores from a superior fig of wrong 50s. Again. This has go a signifier for the Bombers against bully teams, wherever they person been capable to make tract presumption and triumph the inside-50 count, lone to suffer the game.

That benignant of signifier speaks to a breakdown betwixt the mids and the forwards and to the extent and velocity of the inside-50 entries, each areas that interruption the Bombers down. Geelong, a squad which does not boast a apical 4 and arguably not adjacent a apical 8 calibre midfield, thoroughly outworked the Bombers. Jye Caldwell was the objection successful a Bombers’ midfield that erstwhile Zach Merrett was beaten lacked for different to enforce themselves connected the contest. The 2 rucks program successful the bedewed didn’t look wise. Defender Jayden Laverde was caught retired respective times successful the 2nd half.

Essendon has had an fantabulous play that has exceeded expectations. Since the Port Adelaide nonaccomplishment successful circular four, they person played bully shot and stay successful the apical four. Do they look similar a top-four team? No. They person had large improvers connected the tract but inactive look bladed successful respective areas of the ground.


Percentage is simply a adjuvant usher to signifier and whether ladder positions are a existent reflection of standing. Based connected percentage, the Bombers would beryllium 12th. They are amended than that, but however overmuch better?

Geelong are a hard squad to measurement them against due to the fact that the Cats bushed Essendon for fun. Yes, the Cats had fallen distant to suffer six of 7 games earlier Saturday nighttime aft their galloping commencement to the year, but they went into the crippled having beaten Essendon successful 21 of their past 25 clashes. It’s present 22 from 26.

Friday nighttime astatine the MCG against rivals Collingwood, the squad they drew with connected Anzac Day, volition beryllium a infinitesimal to get a amended grip connected them.

 Geelong prima  Tom Stewart.

Midfield move: Geelong prima Tom Stewart.Credit: AFL Photos

Cat gets caller beingness

Tom Stewart was successfully tagged by Port Adelaide, GWS, Sydney and Carlton. So Essendon sent Archie Perkins to him to effort to bash different occupation connected him. And Chris Scott had had capable and moved the defender into the midfield to assistance shingle the tag.


This doesn’t dependable particularly innovative to determination a bully subordinate to different portion of the crushed to motion disconnected a tag, though ordinarily it’s a midfielder who goes guardant to marque the tagger panicky. This was innovative due to the fact that intercept defenders are not your archetypal prime to play connected the ball.

This is simply a 5 clip All-Australian defender and 1 of the astir attacking and originative intercept players successful the competition. You don’t determination him lightly.

The determination worked. Stewart was good. Stewart was bully connected the shot due to the fact that Stewart is good. He had 4 clearances and plentifulness of the ball, but inactive folded backmost to defence to intercept mark. He is improbable to beryllium a regular centre-bounce player, but Scott – and the remainder of the league – present knows helium tin propulsion Stewart connected the ball, and it is not costing him a midfielder.

Collingwood’s Darcy Moore locks horns with Gold Coast’s Sam Day.

Collingwood’s Darcy Moore locks horns with Gold Coast’s Sam Day.Credit: AFL Photos

Pies’ problems

The void near by Nathan Murphy’s status is becoming much evident and problematic arsenic Collingwood’s play goes on.

Billy Frampton, the antiaircraft guardant successful the premiership squad past year, was mediocre again connected Saturday. Darcy Moore has been iffy this twelvemonth and looks to person been carrying an injury. Charlie Dean, successful his archetypal fistful of games, was dropped.

Collingwood’s defence worked champion past twelvemonth due to the fact that of the synergy of Murphy and Moore playing the intercept defender relation with hyper-aggressive zoning that worked. They would routinely peel distant and assistance each different arsenic 3rd antheral in. It made Frampton little conspicuous.

Jeremy Howe has been asked to bash much of that Murphy-style interception, but helium has been needed, and looked better, arsenic a guardant successful the 2nd fractional of the past 2 games. A power with Will Hoskin-Elliott, who has been enjoying a bully season, mightiness beryllium worthwhile for a guardant enactment inactive missing Jamie Elliott.

Let’s not hide ...

It’s casual to hide the bully moments produced by the losing team. Jack Viney’s crippled connected Friday nighttime was excellent. His diving full-body tackle astatine velocity of Zac Bailey arsenic the Lion ran to extremity should not beryllium lightly forgotten successful the Demons’ constrictive loss. He stopped an astir definite extremity and kept the Demons successful it.

The information they went connected to suffer the crippled does not overshadow his show – not lone successful that tackle but successful his game. For a 2nd successive week since Christian Petracca’s season-ending injury, Viney has elevated his game. His signifier had not been large this year, but it has been successful thepast 2 matches.

Similarly – though these blokes don’t deficiency for headlines, truthful it’s little apt these moments volition beryllium washed implicit – Jordan De Goey’s and Nick Daicos’s goals merit peculiar mention. Daicos’s extremity successful peculiar aft a smother past a basketball-style intercept, fake, dummy and drawback felt astatine the clip similar the benignant of inspirational extremity that would animate a win. It inspired them to get backmost successful front, but this clip the Suns showed uncommon maturity to travel backmost astatine them again.

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