Austria Inflation Eases To 3.0%, Lowest Since July 2021

2 days ago 3

Austria's user terms ostentation eased further successful June to the lowest level successful astir 3 years, mostly driven by a slowdown successful costs for nutrient and fuels, a flash estimation from Statistics Austria showed connected Tuesday.

The user terms scale climbed 3.0 percent year-over-year successful June, slower than the 3.4 percent summation successful May.

Further, the latest ostentation was the weakest since July 2021, erstwhile prices had risen 2.9 percent.

"Prices for nutrient and fuels successful peculiar are presently driving ostentation little than recently," the bureau said. Charges paid astatine restaurants besides roseate astatine a slower rate.

On a monthly basis, user prices moved up 0.2 percent successful June.

The EU measurement of the harmonised scale of user prices, oregon HICP, besides roseate astatine a somewhat slower complaint of 3.2 percent versus a 3.3 percent summation successful May. Monthly, the HICP edged up 0.1 percent.

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