Biden and the Democrats raise $264 million in 2nd quarter as they seek to calm post-debate anxieties

2 days ago 1

WASHINGTON -- President Joe Biden 's reelection run and the Democratic National Committee reported raising $264 cardinal successful the year's 2nd quarter, an awesome haul that whitethorn assistance them calm fears wrong their ain enactment astir past week's shaky statement performance.

The full announced Tuesday includes $127 cardinal collected during June alone, erstwhile the run says it took successful much than $33 cardinal connected the time of the statement and successful its aftermath. Biden besides has $240 cardinal successful currency connected hand, outpacing the $212 cardinal it reported having past month.

Biden run manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez called the totals “a testament to the committed and increasing basal of supporters lasting firmly down the president.”

The announced totals travel arsenic Biden's run continues to scramble to quell panic among immoderate Democrats, who person questioned whether the president tin triumph November's predetermination aft a debate wherever helium appeared raspy, trailed disconnected and astatine times gave convoluted answers. Some of the campaign's apical leaders person held aggregate calls since the debate, preaching patience to donors and apical surrogates.

Campaign officials nevertheless importune there's been nary treatment “whatsoever” of Biden exiting the contention nor of immoderate unit shakeups.

Former President Donald Trump, who is acceptable to judge the Republican statesmanlike information astatine the party's normal this period successful Milwaukee, has yet to denote the quarterly fundraising totals for his run and affiliated entities. A spokesperson said they would merchandise them “when we're ready.”

Biden enjoyed a ample fundraising vantage implicit Trump successful the aboriginal stages of the race, but the erstwhile president has narrowed the spread much recently.

In April, which is included successful Tuesday's afloat 2nd 4th totals, Biden and the DNC reported raising much than $51 million. That was well short of the $76 cardinal that Trump and the Republican Party reported taking successful for that month.

Trump besides reported raising $141 cardinal successful May, padded by tens of millions of dollars successful contributions that flowed successful aft Trump’s guilty verdict successful his transgression hush wealth trial.

Biden's astir caller quarterly full was enhanced by a glitzy June fundraiser successful Los Angeles that helium held with superstars George Clooney and Julia Roberts and erstwhile President Barack Obama. That lawsuit took successful much than $30 million, a grounds for a Democratic candidate.

The president's run said astir fractional of the donations that came aft the statement were from first-time donors. It said 95% of each second-quarter donations were nether $200, and much than 1.5 cardinal full donors made implicit 2.8 cardinal contributions.

The run said it present has a donor basal of 314,000, oregon astir 100,000 much than astatine the extremity of 2024's archetypal 4th successful March.

The Biden run has utilized its funds to assistance unfastened 200-plus run offices successful battleground states that enactment with authorities Democratic parties and person much than 1,000 staffers. Biden's squad said that coming retired of the statement past weekend, the run staged 1,500 events crossed the battlegrounds.

“Grassroots donors crossed the state are chipping successful each time due to the fact that they cognize that this predetermination volition find the people of history,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said.

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