Class action lawsuits are unicorn-like: Worthy but rare

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premium Opinion

Srinath Sridharan & Sakate Khaitan 4 min read 03 Jul 2024, 04:00 PM IST

In a state  wherever  lawsuits are costly  and lengthy, number  stakeholders are often   astatine  a disadvantage. In a state wherever lawsuits are costly and lengthy, number stakeholders are often astatine a disadvantage.


  • Collective ineligible enactment against mismanaged businesses tin rise standards of firm governance. The ineligible way has been eased, but we inactive person small specified litigation successful India.

Class enactment suits successful India are similar unicorns—legendary, promising and rare. Provisions permitting people actions/representative actions existed successful the statute publication for implicit a period successful the Code of Civil Procedure of 1908. 

Similar provisions person been incorporated successful the Consumer Protection Act of 2019 and the Competition Act of 2002. Further, people enactment suits are often clothed arsenic nationalist involvement litigation (PIL) nether Articles 32 and 226 of the Constitution. However, nary of these statutes specifically covered shareholders arsenic a class.

In a landmark move, India introduced shareholder people enactment and derivative enactment lawsuits done Section 245 of the Companies Act of 2013. Surprisingly, for 11 years, this proviso has remained mostly theoretical, with lone 2 cases—Jindal Poly Films and ICICI Securities Ltd—being filed.

A class-action suit, oregon typical action, allows a ample radical of radical with akin interests to collectively bring a assertion to court. This corporate radical is known arsenic a ‘class.’ Class enactment suits person immense imaginable to support number shareholders, depositors and investors from firm wrongdoers. 

Also read: Infosys faces people enactment suit successful US for mendacious fiscal statements

Fighting arsenic a people enables them to unafraid amended ineligible representation, stock litigation costs and excavation their cognition and experiences to physique a beardown case. In a state wherever lawsuits are costly and lengthy, number stakeholders are often astatine a disadvantage against the formidable ineligible and fiscal musculus of firm houses. In specified cases, a people action, backed by the spot of many, is apt to beryllium taken earnestly by businesses and courts.

The biggest situation remains the precocious outgo and dilatory gait of litigation, coupled with the evident reluctance of Indian courts to grant important damages and penalties.

Over the past fewer years, the Indian banal marketplace has witnessed a important influx of retail investors . This surge is complemented by an expanding fig of businesses getting listed for their shares to beryllium traded publicly. Shareholder activism, aimed astatine amended firm governance and involving the scrutiny of absorption actions, has been rising too. 

This usually happens erstwhile shareholders judge the institution is being poorly run, perchance starring to fiscal losses oregon societal harm. Shareholders whose rights person been infringed upon, oregon who judge the institution is being managed successful a mode detrimental to their interests, whitethorn initiate a people enactment lawsuit. 

Such suits connection a captious remedy for breaches of minority-rights by enabling corporate ineligible enactment against firm misconduct. The beingness of the provision, thus, promotes higher standards of transparency and accountability successful firm India.

Also read: Jury begins deliberations successful class-action suit against NFL by 'Sunday Ticket' subscribers

While specified lawsuits tin assistance level the playing field, for them to beryllium genuinely effective, the provisions for people enactment should see each categories of number stakeholders affected by mismanagement.

Two amendments person allowed people enactment to inch forward. A 2016 amendment of the Companies Act simplified procedures and eligibility criteria for filing people enactment suits. In May 2019, caller thresholds for defining a ‘class’ nether Section 245 were notified. 

An eligible people tin present comprise 5% of members holding 5% of the issued superior successful an unlisted institution oregon 2% of the issued superior successful a listed company, oregon 100 members, whichever number is lower. Similarly, 5% of the full fig of depositors oregon full deposits, oregon 100 members, whichever is lower, would represent a class. 

However, creating a excavation of 100 is inactive a challenge. Borrowing from Western practices, India could further simplify these requirements. For instance, the US does not importune connected a minimum fig to signifier a class; Australia requires lone seven, portion Canada permits a azygous shareholder to record an action.

Introducing ‘contingent fees’ for lawyers, to beryllium paid if the suit succeeds, would make an inducement for them to stitchery 100 persons for a people action. This would necessitate deviation from the presently permitted remuneration operation for lawyers, nether which a contingent interest is not allowed. Further, to mitigate the hazard of exploitation by an errant lawyer, each contingent arrangements should beryllium disclosed and monitored by the Bar Council.

However, to onslaught a equilibrium and disincentivize frivolous people actions, the judiciary indispensable besides levy exemplary penalties connected litigants successful specified instances and besides connected lawyers with contingent-fee deals.

On the whole, the courts and authorities indispensable follow a much accommodative attack to people enactment lawsuits. Without important ineligible reform, existent people enactment volition stay constricted to stray cases wherever idiosyncratic assumes enactment and fiscal responsibility.

Class enactment suits successful India person the imaginable to democratize entree to justness and clasp almighty entities accountable. Yet, truthful far, people enactment suits person not been embraced with the enthusiasm they should be. For number shareholders to execute justice, especially, people enactment suits could connection a speedy ineligible process. 

Also read: Class enactment suits successful Indian institution law, explained

Implementing fast-track judicial processes for people enactment suits would reenforce the religion of citizens successful the conception arsenic good arsenic wide judicial system.

The urgency of embracing people enactment suits successful India cannot beryllium overstated, peculiarly arsenic the Indian system expands further and integrates itself much profoundly with the planetary economy. Effective people enactment mechanisms tin importantly heighten firm accountability, thereby boosting capitalist assurance and attracting much investments from overseas.

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