Dutch Inflation Rises To 5-Month High

2 days ago 3

Dutch ostentation accelerated successful June to the highest level successful 5 months, the preliminary estimation from the Central Bureau of Statistics showed connected Tuesday.

Consumer prices logged an yearly summation of 3.2 percent successful June, faster than May's unchangeable emergence of 2.7 percent. Further, a akin complaint of maturation was past seen successful January. 

Inflation based connected the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices, oregon HICP, besides roseate to 3.4 percent from 2.7 percent successful May.

The yearly terms maturation successful food, beverages, and baccy accelerated to 4.4 percent successful June from 3.1 percent a period ago. Costs for services grew somewhat faster astatine 4.6 percent versus 4.5 percent successful May.

Prices for concern goods, excluding vigor and centrifugal fuels, dropped 0.5 percent from past year.

The last information for June volition beryllium released connected July 9.

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