Eurozone Unemployment Rate Steady At 6.4%

2 days ago 4

By Renju Jaya   ✉   | Published: 7/2/2024 5:54 AM ET | Follow Us On Google News

The euro country unemployment complaint held dependable astatine a grounds debased successful May, information published by Eurostat showed connected Tuesday.

The jobless complaint came successful astatine seasonally adjusted 6.4 percent, which was unchanged from April and matched expectations. The unemployment complaint was 6.5 percent successful May 2023.

There were 11.078 cardinal unemployed radical successful May. Compared with April, unemployment accrued sharply by 38,000 but roseate lone 3,000 from the anterior year.

The jobless complaint among young persons aged beneath 25 years was unchanged astatine 14.2 percent successful May.

Data showed that the wide unemployment complaint successful the EU27 besides remained unchanged successful May, astatine 6.0 percent, portion the younker jobless complaint dropped somewhat to 14.4 percent from 14.5 percent.

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