‘Evil twin’: Palmyra man allegedly faked WiFi networks to steal personal info

2 days ago 5

‘Evil twin’: Palmyra antheral allegedly faked WiFi networks to bargain idiosyncratic info

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A Palmyra antheral has been charged with creating escaped fake WiFi entree points to glean idiosyncratic accusation from radical who connected to them.

Michael Clapsis, 42, appeared successful Perth Magistrates Court connected Friday wherever helium was granted bail implicit 9 alleged cyber-crime offences.

Michael Clapsis faces 9  alleged cyber-crime charges.

Michael Clapsis faces 9 alleged cyber-crime charges.

It is alleged Clapsis was arrested aft an hose worker reported concerns astir a suspicious WiFi web during a home formation successful April.

Australian Federal Police searched Clapsis’ luggage and seized a portable wireless entree device, a laptop and a mobile telephone from his manus luggage. They besides searched his Palmyra home.

A period aboriginal helium was arrested, with AFP alleging Clapsis “used a portable wireless entree instrumentality to make ‘evil twin’ escaped WiFi networks” which helium utilized astatine aggregate locations to lure unsuspecting users into believing they were morganatic services.

“The AFP alleges that erstwhile radical tried to link their devices to the escaped WiFi networks, they were taken to a fake webpage requiring them to motion successful utilizing their email oregon societal media logins,” they said.

“Those details were past allegedly saved to the man’s devices.”

It is alleged Clapsis utilized email and password details to entree much idiosyncratic information, including online communications, stored images and videos oregon slope details.

They allegedly recovered information utilized astatine airports successful Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide, connected home flights and astatine locations linked to the man’s erstwhile employment.

The investigation is ongoing to find the grade of the alleged offending.

“To link to a escaped WiFi network, you shouldn’t person to participate immoderate idiosyncratic details, specified arsenic logging successful done an email oregon societal media account,” said Detective Inspector Andrew Coleman, from the force’s Western Command Cybercrime unit.


“If you bash privation to usage nationalist WiFi hotspots, instal a reputable virtual backstage web (VPN) connected your devices to encrypt and unafraid your information erstwhile utilizing the internet.

“When utilizing a nationalist network, disable record sharing, don’t bash thing sensitive, specified arsenic banking, portion connected to it, and erstwhile you decorativeness utilizing it, alteration your instrumentality settings to ‘forget network’.

“We besides urge turning disconnected the WiFi connected your telephone oregon different physics devices earlier going retired successful public, to forestall your instrumentality from automatically connecting to a hotspot.”

Anyone who connected to escaped WiFi networks successful airdrome precincts and connected home flights is recommended to alteration their passwords and study immoderate suspicious enactment connected their accounts via cyber.gov.au.

Clapsis was released connected a $20,000 bail undertaking and $20,000 surety and volition beryllium backmost successful tribunal connected August 23.

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