Former Home and Away star facing jail time for assaults on a woman

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A erstwhile Home and Away prima is facing further clip down bars aft pleading blameworthy to a drawstring of assaults connected a woman.

Orpheus Pledger, 31, faced Melbourne Magistrates’ Court connected Monday via video nexus from custody astatine Ravenhall Correctional Centre 2 months aft helium was arrested portion connected the tally from a tribunal ordered infirmary visit.

Orpheus Pledger.

Orpheus Pledger.Credit: Getty Images

Police authoritative Fionnuala Kennedy said Pledger attacked the unfortunate repeatedly implicit a three-month play astatine a location successful Melbourne’s northbound with 1 of the incidents captured connected a information device.

The unfortunate called triple-zero asking for constabulary assistance astatine astir 1.35am connected March 25, 2024. When they arrived, the pistillate was lying connected the crushed injured aft being thrown to the crushed by her hairsbreadth by Pledger who besides stomped connected her face.

She was aboriginal taken to infirmary suffering bruising to her forehead, a laceration to her cheek, bruising to her close manus and marks to her look and ear.

Kennedy said the pistillate spent the nighttime successful infirmary and had small recollection of the attack. When escorted location by constabulary they noticed a motion-activated camera screwed into a airy fixture successful the woman’s lounge room, which had recorded the assault.

It showed Pledger attack the unfortunate from behind, earlier grabbing her by the hairsbreadth and dragging her to the crushed and stomping connected her head.

“While astatine the house, constabulary besides located the accused’s shoes - a brace of Vans sneakers - with the signifier bearing a likeness to the bruising connected the victim’s look and ears,” Kennedy said.

During an earlier incidental connected March 1, the tribunal heard the unfortunate was besides thrown to the ground, punched and kicked to the look pursuing a verbal argument.

Former Home and Away histrion  Orpheus Pledger.

Former Home and Away histrion Orpheus Pledger.Credit: Victoria Police

The tribunal heard Pledger was arrested connected March 26 but deemed unsuitable for interrogation aft a aesculapian assessment.

He was aboriginal granted bail connected the information helium was escorted by constabulary to infirmary for an in-patient intelligence wellness assessment. Pledger arrived astatine the infirmary astir 3.45am connected April 23 wherever helium repeatedly told unit helium was going to “kill” the victim. He past fled the infirmary astatine 9.30am and returned to the victim’s location to cod belongings, earlier being rearrested days later.

Defence lawyer Jasper MacCuspie noted during that clip his lawsuit was incapable to get the intelligence wellness appraisal helium required, which helium noted was a wide contented wrong the wellness system.

The tribunal heard determination was presently a shortage of ambulance and constabulary resources which Magistrate Justin Foster labelled arsenic “outrageous”.

“The lone crushed I bailed him astatine the clip was due to the fact that determination was thing disposable for him to beryllium … assessed successful a situation setting. And determination is nary wealth successful the infirmary to person these important things assessed,” helium said.

Orpheus Pledger voluntarily near  SAS Australia aboriginal  successful  the bid    aft  being called connected  to sermon   his deficiency  of engagement.

Orpheus Pledger voluntarily near SAS Australia aboriginal successful the bid aft being called connected to sermon his deficiency of engagement.Credit: Channel Seven

“There’s a shortage of everything astatine the moment, it’s outrageous.”

MacCuspie expressed vexation astatine the constricted resources which helium said was a recurring taxable successful this substance for a antheral who had aforesaid identified arsenic requiring assistance but had been incapable to person any.

MacCuspie said erstwhile released from custody his lawsuit planned to unrecorded with his jazz instrumentalist begetter successful a tiny municipality adjacent Wodonga wherever helium hoped to larn the creation of making euphony connected physics devices.


Pledger, helium noted, had appeared successful tv commercials arsenic a young kid earlier leaving schoolhouse successful Year 9 and aboriginal progressing into acting for fashionable Australian soapies.

Pledger was a kid histrion connected The Secret Life of Us and played Noah Parkin connected Neighbours in 2011. He roseate to prominence portion playing aspiring doc Mason Morgan connected Home and Away from 2016 to 2019.

More recently, helium appeared connected reality-TV amusement SAS Australia, successful 2022. Concerns were raised during the accumulation implicit his “erratic behaviour”, and helium voluntarily exited the programme aft lone 2 episodes.

His defence lawyer said Pledger’s offending appeared to person mostly been sparked by a last-minute cancellation of an acting relation successful the US wherever Pledger was acceptable to diagnostic connected tv bid The 100.

“At the precise past infinitesimal that fell through. It was a destabilising event,” MacCuspie said.

Pledger, helium said, past descended into recreational cause use, peculiarly methamphetamine use, and relied lone connected Centrelink for fiscal support.

“He aspires towards acting successful future, but accepts by virtuousness of substance that’s a somewhat challenging prospect,” MacCuspie said.

Pledger, who pleaded blameworthy to 4 assault-related charges, volition beryllium sentenced connected Wednesday.

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