Online bookseller Booktopia enters voluntary administration

2 days ago 3

Booktopia has appointed voluntary administrators, weeks aft suspending its shares connected the ASX arsenic it scrambled to unafraid exigency funding.

The embattled online publication retailer has appointed McGrathNicol restructuring partners Keith Crawford, Matthew Caddy and Damien Pasfield arsenic administrators and volition reassess the concern and research a merchantability oregon recapitalisation.

Tony Nash’s Booktopia has been handed implicit    to administrators.

Tony Nash’s Booktopia has been handed implicit to administrators.Credit: Julian Andrews

Booktopia has been buckling nether expanding fiscal strain for years pursuing 3 consecutive years of unprofitability, a stock terms that has mislaid 98 per cent of its value, and a revolving doorway of elder executives including its astir caller main enforcement David Nenke, who resigned aft precisely 1 twelvemonth successful the job.

It has made astatine slightest 90 jobs redundant successful the past 18 months. Tony Nash, the co-founder who was ousted from the concern helium helmed for 18 years, was temporarily brought backmost into the concern arsenic an enforcement manager and income director.

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