Sydney University stabbing victim out of hospital, warnings of ‘toxic’ internet

2 days ago 2

The unfortunate of the stabbing onslaught astatine the University of Sydney is recovering astatine location arsenic constabulary and politicians pass children are astatine hazard of radicalisation connected the internet.

The 22-year-old university pupil allegedly stabbed successful the cervix by a 14-year-old boy was released from Royal Prince Alfred Hospital connected Tuesday night, a infirmary spokesperson confirmed.

His alleged attacker is yet to beryllium charged, and is successful infirmary undergoing assessments, NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley told ABC News Breakfast.

The teen had antecedently been charged with readying a violent attack. However, those charges were dismissed connected intelligence wellness grounds, and helium was participating successful a deradicalisation program.

While the teenager’s alleged motive is yet to beryllium determined, the constabulary probe is focusing connected extremist links. At this signifier detectives bash not judge helium was acting arsenic portion of a broader network.

“We request to marque definite we wrapper services and enactment astir these kids who are being radicalised online, and their families,” Catley said.

CCTV captures an representation  of a idiosyncratic   matching the statement  of the alleged attacker connected  Tuesday morning.

CCTV captures an representation of a idiosyncratic matching the statement of the alleged attacker connected Tuesday morning.

Catley pointed the spotlight connected the societal media giants, informing children are being radicalised online.

“Those platforms, we request to truly enactment unit connected them to region harmful content,” she said.

“Every jurisdiction has to beryllium connected this. This toxic sewer that our children are seeing connected a regular basis, we person to halt it.”

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil told Seven’s Sunrise the authorities is seeing a “concerning trend” successful coercion sparked by online radicalisation.

Parts of the field  were blocked disconnected  by police.

Parts of the field were blocked disconnected by police.Credit: Janie Barrett

“These are planetary trends we’re seeing a proliferation of ideologies that are driving radical to unit … we’re seeing this truly concerning presumption of young radical successful a cohort, which I cognize for the assemblage is peculiarly disturbing and I don’t deliberation we should besides gloss implicit the information that exertion and societal media are pivotal to these caller events,” she said.

NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Walton connected Tuesday said the teen’s ideology would apt beryllium classed arsenic “mixed and unclear”, and a “salad barroom of ideologies”.

“A batch of these susceptible people, they’re not linked to 1 peculiar ideology, they volition determination arsenic they’re exposed to antithetic things,” helium said connected Tuesday.


“It mightiness beryllium of achromatic supremacist neo-Nazi, it tin easy flip into a spiritual ideation, it’s a precise analyzable situation that immoderate of these susceptible radical are engaged in, not a linear position.

“The net is simply a toxic situation for immoderate people. How that’s managed is supra my wage grade, but I truly deliberation we should beryllium investing successful trying to marque it a safer situation for each citizens, but peculiarly young people.”

Police allege the 14-year-old, who lives successful Sydney’s interior west, was wearing camouflage cogwheel erstwhile helium stabbed the pupil astatine the Ross Street gross adjacent Parramatta Road.

In CCTV footage captured from a adjacent shop, a idiosyncratic matching his statement was seen walking past soon aft the alleged stabbing, nursing what appeared to beryllium an injured hand.

A passerby, acrophobic for the teen’s welfare, took him to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital wherever helium was arrested.

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