JK Rowling, David Tennant clash over gender issues in UK election

2 days ago 2

London: In an predetermination run lacking prima powerfulness and pizzazz, the involution of 2 British taste icons has provided the biggest punch.

Last week David Tennant, the erstwhile prima of Doctor Who and beloved Scottish actor, utilized an LGBT awards ceremonial to motorboat an onslaught connected Kemi Badenoch, the UK’s curate for women and equalities, implicit trans rights.

David Tennant and JK Rowling person  made interventions successful  the UK election.

David Tennant and JK Rowling person made interventions successful the UK election.Credit: Jamie Brown

“Until we aftermath up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t beryllium immoderate more, I don’t privation sick of her, I conscionable privation her to unopen up,” helium said successful his acceptance code aft being named a personage ally.

Backstage helium went further, saying that his connection to young trans radical was that “it’s a tiny clump of whinging small f---ers that are connected the incorrect broadside of past and they’ll each spell distant soon”.

The stoush, conscionable days earlier Brits spell to the polls, came amid a now-familiar governmental statement connected transgender policy, with the contented becoming a cardinal battleground successful the election.

The Tories person accused Labour of readying to “dilute women’s rights” by introducing self-ID “by the backmost door”. They precocious made an predetermination pledge to marque biologic enactment a protected diagnostic nether the Equality Act. Gender reassignment is presently protected.

UK’s Minster for Women and Equalities, Kemi Badenoch.

UK’s Minster for Women and Equalities, Kemi Badenoch.Credit: AP

Tennant, whose kid is reportedly non-binary, said helium was connected the broadside of “human decency” and believed “everyone has the close to beryllium who they privation to be”.

“Pride is precise important successful our house, it’s a household matter – we person tegument successful the crippled truthful this lawsuit contiguous thrills me.”

He became a salient nationalist advocator for trans kids implicit the past 2 years, famously wearing a T-shirt with the words “leave trans kids alone, you implicit freaks” to the motorboat of the 2nd bid of his Amazon Prime phantasy drama bid Good Omens.

During her clip successful government, Badenoch has advocated for banning trans women from entering women’s toilets and sports teams to support pistillate rights and safety. Her run has progressive respective broadsides against the police, the media, the NHS and universities implicit their policies connected transgender issues.

Sir Keir Starmer and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Sir Keir Starmer and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.Credit: AP

She demanded an apology from Tennant and attempted to weaponise his comments to substance a civilization war.

“I volition not unopen up,” she posted connected societal media. “A rich, lefty, achromatic antheral personage truthful blinded by ideology helium can’t spot the optics of attacking the lone achromatic pistillate successful authorities by calling publically for my beingness to end.”

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Home Secretary James Cleverly were among those to leap to her defence.


But Dawn Butler, the Labour campaigner for Brent East, weighed successful to enactment Tennant, writing: “Not each Black women deliberation the same. I hold with David Tennant.”

Among those to support the pistillate who immoderate foretell could beryllium a aboriginal Tory person was chap Scot, writer JK Rowling.

The Harry Potter writer – a long-time protagonist of and donor to British Labour – has faced a sustained backlash successful caller years implicit her outspoken stance connected trans issues, and her claims that trans women “are not women”.

She posted a BBC nonfiction connected societal media, which characterised Tennant and Badenoch’s nationalist sparring arsenic a “row”. Rowling labelled Tennant a portion of the “gender Taliban”, accusing him of receiving “special dispensation” from the media, “for they are a beatified caste”.

Sharing a screenshot of Tennant’s “tiny clump of small whinging f---ers” comments, she said: “This antheral is talking astir rape survivors who privation female-only care, the nurses presently suing their wellness spot for making them alteration successful beforehand of a man, girls and women losing sporting opportunities to males and pistillate prisoners incarcerated with convicted enactment offenders”.

Trans rights activists instrumentality     portion  successful  a protestation  against the prohibition  connected  hormone blockers  successful  London.

Trans rights activists instrumentality portion successful a protestation against the prohibition connected hormone blockers successful London.Credit: Getty Images

Tennant, who portrayed Barty Crouch Jr successful Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, joined a increasing database of the franchise’s actors who clashed with Rowling connected trans issues.

In April, Rowling told Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson – who played Harry and Hermoine – to “save their apologies” for “traumatised detransitioners” aft the stars made statements supporting transgender rights.

Rowling’s disapproval of left-wing sex authorities from the Scottish National Party and Labour, has grown implicit caller years. In 2021, she was outraged erstwhile Labour person Sir Keir Starmer said it was “not right” for Rosie Duffield, a Labour MP who has stressed the value of biologic sex, to accidental that lone women person a cervix.


In an nonfiction for The Times past month, Rowling said she had a “poor opinion” of Starmer’s character, claiming helium was “dismissive and often offensive” successful respect of women’s concerns astir their sex-based rights.

Last week, Starmer clashed with a vigor caller who accused him of speaking “absolute twaddle” implicit entree to single-sex spaces.

Asked astir Tennant’s comments, Starmer said helium “wouldn’t person engaged” with the treatment successful the aforesaid way.

To overmuch disapproval from the LGBTQ community, helium hardened his stance this week, saying transgender women bash not person a close to entree female-only spaces, amid disorder implicit Labour’s stance connected which toilets trans radical should use.

In caller days, Labour clarified its presumption connected transgender rights, with its wellness spokesperson Wes Streeting saying the enactment would “modernise and reform” sex laws if it comes into powerfulness connected July 4.

The enactment said it would support the request for a aesculapian diagnosis of sex dysphoria, but that this could present beryllium provided by a azygous clinician.

Labour has besides offered to conscionable Rowling aft Rachel Reeves, the would-be chancellor and the highest-ranking pistillate successful a Starmer government, said she would beryllium “really happy” to “give her assurances” implicit plans to alteration the process done which radical tin legally alteration gender.

But Rowling remains doubtful Labour is prepared to propulsion back.

“As agelong arsenic Labour remains dismissive and often violative towards women warring to clasp the rights their foremothers thought were won for each time, I’ll conflict to enactment them,” she wrote.

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