Former partner found guilty of murdering Maryam Hamka will now face assault charges

2 days ago 2

Former spouse recovered blameworthy of murdering Maryam Hamka volition present look battle charges

A assemblage has recovered Toby Loughnane blameworthy of murdering woman Maryam Hamka astatine his Brighton location 2 years earlier her remains were recovered successful isolated bushland.

The Supreme Court verdict connected Friday, aft 2 days of deliberations, means this masthead tin present uncover the 44-year-old is besides facing charges for allegedly assaulting and recklessly causing wounded to Hamka successful the twelvemonth earlier she was killed.

Toby Loughnane has been recovered  blameworthy  of murdering Maryam Hamka, whose assemblage  was recovered  buried successful  bushland successful  2023, much  than 2  years aft  she disappeared.

Toby Loughnane has been recovered blameworthy of murdering Maryam Hamka, whose assemblage was recovered buried successful bushland successful 2023, much than 2 years aft she disappeared.Credit: Nine News

Court documents released to The Age amusement Loughnane is accused of injuring Hamka connected aggregate occasions betwixt December 2020 and April 2021.

He was besides charged with driving portion suspended and stating a mendacious sanction to constabulary successful Ascot Vale successful January 2020, and possessing a limb astatine Highett successful February of the aforesaid year.

Loughnane is owed to instrumentality to the Magistrates’ Court for those charges successful July.

Hamka was past seen connected CCTV leaving a Woolworths store astatine Brunswick, connected April 10, 2021, her household reported her missing 5 days later.

Toby Loughnane arrives astatine  the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Toby Loughnane arrives astatine the Supreme Court of Victoria.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

Her assemblage was recovered successful bushland astatine Cape Schanck, connected the Mornington Peninsula, successful August 2023 aft Loughnane led constabulary to the area.

Loughnane had offered to plead blameworthy to negligent manslaughter, which prosecutors rejected.

He pleaded not blameworthy to murder, claiming Hamka had died from a cause overdose and helium had panicked and disposed of her body.

The proceedings heard a person recovered Hamka with a swollen look and yellowish tegument successful the bath of her ex-boyfriend’s townhouse aft spotting blood-spatter connected the carpet.

Oscar Newman (pictured) has been giving grounds  astatine  the proceedings  of Toby Loughnane.

Oscar Newman (pictured) has been giving grounds astatine the proceedings of Toby Loughnane.Credit: Jason South

Oscar Newman told jurors that helium went to the Brighton location aft Loughnane called and texted him, asking him to travel implicit connected April 11, 2021.

Newman said helium knocked connected the door, but erstwhile nary 1 answered, and helium fto himself successful with a cardinal and headed upstairs.

In Loughnane’s room, helium saw apparel connected the furniture and what helium thought were quality faeces connected the floor, arsenic good arsenic paraphernalia utilized to instrumentality the cause GHB.

“I adjacent into the bathroom, and I saw Maryam bare successful the country of the shower,” Newman said.

CCTV of Hamka earlier  she disappeared.

CCTV of Hamka earlier she disappeared.

She didn’t respond erstwhile helium called out, and Newman went to find Loughnane, who was passed retired afloat dressed successful different bedroom.

Newman decided to fto Loughnane slumber it disconnected and left, but came backmost the adjacent time due to the fact that helium was disquieted astir the pair.

“[Loughnane] told maine beauteous rapidly that Maryam had overdosed, and I asked him … to telephone an ambulance. He didn’t,” Newman said.

“He conscionable kept saying, ‘I can’t, I can’t … I’ll get done for manslaughter’.”

Newman described the narration betwixt Loughnane and Hamka arsenic “very toxic and turbulent”, and that they fought astir of the clip they had been together.

If you oregon anyone you cognize needs support, you tin interaction the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service connected 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline 131 114, oregon Beyond Blue 1300 224 636.

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