Froga tat-tarja (Maltese spaghetti frittata)

2 days ago 4
Serve with an other  scattering of parsley and a greenish  salad.
Serve with an other scattering of parsley and a greenish salad. William Meppem

A humble look with conscionable a fistful of ingredients, froga tat-tarja is arsenic thrifty arsenic it is delicious. It’s besides a crockery that instantly takes maine backmost to my childhood: my mum would often marque it for meal with freshly cooked pasta but also, sometimes, with leftovers. It was filling and well-loved by the full family.

Serve with immoderate sharply dressed leaves and an other scattering of parsley.


  • 300g spaghettini, angel hairsbreadth oregon vermicelli pasta (see note)

  • 2 tbsp other virgin olive oil, positive other for serving

  • 4 eggs

  • 30g pecorino romano, finely grated

  • 30g parmigiano reggiano, finely grated

  • 1 ail clove, finely grated

  • handful of flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped, positive other to serve

  • sea brackish and pepper, to taste

  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter


  1. Step 1

    Cook the pasta successful a ample cookware of salted, boiling h2o until conscionable earlier al dente. Drain and transportation to a ample bowl. Drizzle with fractional of the olive lipid and flip good with a fork to guarantee the pasta doesn’t stick. Allow to chill briefly.

  2. Step 2

    In different bowl, whisk unneurotic the eggs, cheeses, ail and parsley. Pour implicit the somewhat cooled pasta and flip good to coat. Season with brackish and capsicum and acceptable aside.

  3. Step 3

    In a frying cookware acceptable implicit a mean heat, lukewarm the food and remaining olive oil. Add the pasta substance to the cookware and mildly property down to signifier an adjacent round. Cook for 4-5 minutes until aureate and crisp, past cautiously invert the frittata onto a ample plate. Slide the frittata backmost into the cookware and navigator for a further 2-3 minutes, oregon until lightly golden. Turn the frittata again onto a serving sheet and apical with immoderate finely chopped parsley, a small brackish and a drizzle of olive oil.

Note: I similar to usage spaghettini since it’s a small much forgiving than the thinner angel hairsbreadth oregon vermicelli, but adjacent regular spaghetti is fine.

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