Get your meetings right: Time is too valuable a resource

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Harsh Mariwala & Abheek Singhi 4 min read 03 Jul 2024, 02:00 PM IST

It is important  to instrumentality  structured processes to summation   gathering  effectiveness. It is important to instrumentality structured processes to summation gathering effectiveness.


  • A goal-oriented and value-maximizing attack to meetings tin assistance leaders boost the productivity of their organizations. Avoiding lengthy presentations and encouraging balanced information tin assistance hasten decision-making.

Time is the astir scarce assets for immoderate leader, influencing not lone her idiosyncratic show but besides the organization’s civilization and strategical direction. Leaders, therefore, indispensable beryllium strategical successful however they walk their time—with themselves, and successful one-on-one arsenic good arsenic radical meetings. 

Time unsocial allows leaders to some respond and react, but much importantly, measurement back, bespeak and strategize. Some CEOs, for instance, artifact disconnected parts of their time to absorption connected these solo tasks, recognizing the value of uninterrupted clip for high-level thinking.

Meetings are a important constituent of a leader’s clip expenditure. One Harvard survey showed that CEOs spent 72% of their full enactment clip successful meetings, portion different MIT Sloan nonfiction concluded that the mean enforcement spends astir 50% of his oregon her clip successful meetings. 

At the aforesaid time, whether it is successful the sitcom The Office oregon Dilbert cartoons, oregon successful our conversations, determination is simply a wide presumption that galore radical meetings are tally poorly. This nonfiction focuses connected what could assistance amended the effectiveness of meetings.

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Meetings are indispensable for decision-making, aligning a squad and fostering collaboration. However, to beryllium effective, group meetings request to beryllium well-structured. This includes having a wide agenda, defined objectives and ensuring the close radical are successful attendance. Avoiding unnecessary presentations and focusing connected dialog and decision-making tin marque them productive.

But adjacent earlier getting to ‘how champion to tally a meeting,’ we deliberation it is important to reply 2 cardinal questions.

The archetypal is whether determination should beryllium a gathering astatine all, oregon tin the nonsubjective beryllium met done an empowered idiosyncratic (with inputs from others) oregon adjacent successful a radical mounting via email? This is adjacent much applicable for recurring meetings, which commencement disconnected with the close volition but past inertia takes over.

The 2nd is clarity connected the desired nonsubjective of the meeting—is it to make ideas, situation solutions, instrumentality decisions, question alignment oregon pass with a broader group? Meetings tin beryllium acceptable for immoderate of these, but determination needs to beryllium clarity connected what result is expected.

It is important to instrumentality structured processes to summation gathering effectiveness. Based connected our acquisition crossed organizations, determination are 7 applicable principles that tin assistance leaders tally meetings much effectively.

Define the docket sharply: This is easier said than done but the astir important measurement nonetheless. Clearly outline the meeting’s objectives . Distribute indispensable worldly successful beforehand to let each subordinate to travel prepared. This tin prevention clip and pb to much meaningful contributions and outcomes.

Deliberate participation: Invite lone those who tin lend worth oregon payment from the discussion. This helps support the meeting focused and prevents it from becoming unwieldy. Tesla’s main Elon Musk has gone 1 measurement further; helium suggests that those who consciousness they are not contributing capable should permission the meeting.

Also read: Unnecessary meetings are $100 cardinal mistake for large companies

Avoid PowerPoint presentations: Use the gathering clip for treatment and decision-making, alternatively than lengthy presentations. This attack keeps participants engaged and the speech dynamic. In a erstwhile article, we talked astir the celebrated Amazon memo that everyone reads astatine the commencement of a meeting—rather than beryllium done a presentation—for discussions to beryllium held connected it.

Insist connected punctuality: Start meetings connected clip to respect everyone’s schedule. Turning up precocious for meetings (regularly) indicates either deficiency of power and/or disrespect for others’ time, neither of which is simply a trait 1 would look for successful a leader. 

We cognize of immoderate organizations that instrumentality penalties connected latecomers, if necessary, to discourage tardiness. But, ultimately, it is the person (or the 1 chairing the meeting) who indispensable pb by example.

Encourage balanced participation: Ensure that each voices are heard and not conscionable the ascendant ones. The chairperson should facilitate a wide discussion, giving quieter members an accidental to speak. In her publication Quiet: The Power of Introverts successful a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain makes a almighty lawsuit for listening to introverts.

Summarize cardinal points: At the extremity of the meeting, recap the main points and decisions. This ensures clarity and alignment connected the adjacent steps. While good begun whitethorn beryllium fractional done, existent worth is realized lone erstwhile determination is enactment and follow-through.

Actionable minutes: Record minutes of the gathering successful a format that intelligibly states ‘who’ volition bash ‘what’ and by ‘when’ (the WWW format). Circulate these minutes wrong 2 days of the gathering to support momentum and accountability successful the group. For a recurring meeting, commencement by reviewing the erstwhile meeting’s enactment items, arsenic this helps guarantee that erstwhile decisions are acted upon.

Also read: Meeting creep: Stiff measures are being tested retired against it

Implementing each these practices tin transform meetings from clip sinks into invaluable sessions that thrust decisions and align strategies. As leaders strive to negociate their astir precious resource, time, running meetings efficaciously becomes a captious skill. 

By adopting a disciplined attack to clip absorption in pursuit of organizational goals, leaders tin heighten their ain productivity arsenic good arsenic the wide show of their organizations.

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