HDFC Bank's new credit card rules effective from August 1; check key changes

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3 min read 28 Jun 2024, 04:41 PM IST checkcibilBtn

Abeer Ray

HDFC Bank has implemented important revisions to their recognition paper terms, starting from August 1, 2024. Regularly cheque your recognition paper statements oregon communications from HDFC Bank to enactment informed astir the circumstantial charges applicable to you.

HDFC Bank recognition  paper  presumption     revised.Premium HDFC Bank recognition paper presumption revised.

HDFC Bank volition instrumentality revised recognition paper presumption effectual August 1st, 2024, aligning them intimately with manufacture standards observed by different banks.

The revised recognition paper presumption include:

  • HDFC Bank will present a caller interest operation for recognition paper rent payments made done third-party apps specified arsenic CRED, Paytm, Cheq, MobiKwik, Freecharge, and others. The slope volition levy a 1% complaint connected the transaction amount, with a maximum interest capped astatine 3,000 per transaction.
  • Effective August 1, 2024, HDFC Bank has introduced a caller interest operation wherever acquisition expenses paid done third-party outgo apps utilizing HDFC recognition cards volition incur a 1% charge, capped astatine 3,000. This accommodation aligns HDFC Bank’s argumentation with that of different banks. The interest applies erstwhile utilizing HDFC recognition cards done third-party apps . It’s indispensable to origin successful this interest erstwhile scheduling acquisition payments with HDFC recognition cards via third-party apps.

Exceptions bash beryllium wrong the caller interest operation for acquisition payments utilizing HDFC Bank recognition cards. For instance, transactions made straight done college/school websites oregon their POS machines utilizing your HDFC recognition paper incur nary charges, making it a favorable enactment to bypass the 1% fee. Additionally, payments for planetary acquisition are exempt from this fee.

  • HDFC Bank is implementing a interest for important inferior measure payments utilizing their recognition cards. Initially, this applies to each inferior bills (electricity, water, gas, etc.) paid with HDFC recognition cards. No interest is charged for transactions up to 50,000. However, for inferior bills exceeding 50,000, a interest of 1% of the transaction magnitude volition beryllium applied, capped astatine 3,000 per transaction.
  • The slope does not complaint an further interest if your substance transaction is beneath 15,000. However, transactions exceeding 15,000 incur a 1% interest connected the full amount, capped astatine 3,000 per transaction.
  • The slope is implementing redemption charges for rewards. Starting now, each recognition paper holders who redeem their reward points for a connection recognition volition beryllium taxable to a 50 fees. This alteration is peculiarly impactful for galore HDFC Bank entry-level recognition paper users.
  • The yearly and renewal fees for HDFC Bank’s 6E Rewards credit cards are going up. The annual/renewal fees for the 6E Rewards XL-IndiGo HDFC Bank Credit Card were antecedently charged by the slope astatine a complaint of 1,500 positive GST, portion the 6E Rewards-IndiGo HDFC Bank Credit Card was charged astatine a complaint of 500 positive GST. 
  • Starting August 1, the annual/renewal fees for the 6E Rewards XL - IndiGo HDFC Bank Credit Card volition beryllium 3,000 positive GST, portion the 6E Rewards - IndiGo HDFC Bank Credit Card volition beryllium 1,500 positive GST. 
  • Choosing the Easy-EMI enactment astatine immoderate online oregon offline store incurs an equated monthly installment (EMI) processing interest of up to 299 imposed by HDFC Bank. HDFC SmartEMI is simply a work provided by the slope enabling users to person their recognition paper payments into EMIs.
  • HDFC Bank has updated its precocious outgo interest operation starting August 1, 2024. The interest magnitude present varies based connected your outstanding balance, ranging from 100 to 1300.

Key points for consideration

The updated presumption for HDFC Bank recognition cards trim the entreaty of utilizing third-party apps, peculiarly for rent and acquisition payments.

  • Starting August 1, 2024, utilizing third-party apps specified arsenic CRED, Paytm, Cheq, and Mobikwik for rent and acquisition payments volition pull a 1% fee, with a maximum headdress of 3,000 per transaction.
  • The instauration of the caller interest could perchance nullify immoderate benefits from rewards offered by third-party apps, contempt their erstwhile inducement schemes.

It’s advisable to analyse these updates and see their imaginable interaction connected your spending patterns. While the slope astir apt notified customers of these changes, you tin besides sojourn their website for further information.

Alternative strategies to accommodate to changes successful recognition paper terms

Below are alternate strategies to contemplate, tailored to your circumstantial circumstances:

  • Consider making nonstop payments for rent and acquisition expenses whenever feasible. Utilize the college/school website oregon their POS machines with your HDFC recognition paper to bypass the 1% fee.
  • Carefully measure reward programs. If you chiefly utilized third-party apps for their rewards, analyse the caller interest operation against the rewards offered to find if it remains beneficial.
  • Explore alternate outgo methods to settee rent oregon acquisition bills that circumvent the caller interest portion perchance enabling you to gain rewards, if applicable.

By cautiously weighing these factors, HDFC Bank recognition cardholders tin marque well-informed decisions regarding their absorption of rent and acquisition payments amidst the updated terms.

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Published: 28 Jun 2024, 04:41 PM IST

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