EPFO alert! New Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS) rules to benefit 23 lakh employees: Govt

3 days ago 7

The Central government has amended the Employees Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995 giving withdrawal benefits for employees with little than six months of service.

According to a authorities connection connected Friday, the amendment is believed to payment much than 7 lakh EPS members who permission the strategy with little than six months of contributory service.

The Centre has besides modified Table D to guarantee that the work for each period is taken into relationship and withdrawal benefits are fixed successful proportionality to the work provided. Table D refers to the members who person not offered the required work for the scheme's eligibility oregon the members attaining 58 years of age.

The amount that tin beryllium withdrawn volition present beryllium connected the months a subordinate has completed the work and the wages connected which the EPS publication was received.

Earlier, the withdrawal payment was calculated based connected the play of contributory work successful completed years and the wages connected which the EPS publication was paid. This included a mandatory six-month contributory service. Hence, aft completion of contributory work of six months and above, members were fixed benefits. The members who utilized to permission the strategy earlier six months were not entitled to the benefits.

Members were entitled to a withdrawal payment aft completing contributory work for six months oregon more. Members who near the strategy earlier six months were not entitled to the benefit. This was the crushed wherefore galore claims were rejected for members exiting earlier providing the mandatory service. During the fiscal twelvemonth 2023-24, the study stated that astir 7 lakh claims for withdrawal benefits were denied owed to contributory work being little than six months.

The authorities estimates that modifying Table D and simplifying the outgo strategy volition payment much than 23 lakh employees nether the scheme.

The earlier estimation nether Table D did not see the fractional play of work provided nether six months aft each year. According to the property release, this resulted successful less withdrawals successful galore cases. The modification volition region discrepancies successful the magnitude withdrawn by members.

According to the authorities statement, much than 95 lakh EPS members permission the strategy each twelvemonth earlier providing the mandatory 10 years of contributory work for pension.Such employees are fixed withdrawal benefits arsenic per the Employee Provident Scheme.

More than 30 lakh withdrawal claims were settled successful the fiscal twelvemonth 2023-24, the study said.

The Employee Pension Scheme was introduced successful 1995 for employees successful the organised sector. Employees eligible for the Employee Provident strategy are besides eligible for the pension scheme. Both leader and worker lend to the fund, which is administered by the Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) nether the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

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HomeMoneyEPFO alert! New Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS) rules to payment 23 lakh employees: Govt

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