In Ukraine War, A.I. Begins Ushering In an Age of Killer Robots

2 days ago 1

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In a tract connected the outskirts of Kyiv, the founders of Vyriy, a Ukrainian drone company, were precocious astatine enactment connected a limb of the future.

To show it, Oleksii Babenko, 25, Vyriy’s main executive, hopped connected his motorcycle and rode down a ungraded path. Behind him, a drone followed, arsenic a workfellow tracked the movements from a briefcase-size computer.


A trial of a Vyriy drone strategy that uses autonomous tracking to hole onto a target, successful a tract extracurricular Kyiv.CreditCredit...Video by Sasha Maslov For The New York Times

Until recently, a quality would person piloted the quadcopter. No longer. Instead, aft the drone locked onto its people — Mr. Babenko — it flew itself, guided by bundle that utilized the machine’s camera to way him.

The motorcycle’s growling motor was nary lucifer for the soundless drone arsenic it stalked Mr. Babenko. “Push, propulsion more. Pedal to the medal, man,” his colleagues called retired implicit a walkie-talkie arsenic the drone swooped toward him. “You’re screwed, screwed!”

If the drone had been equipped with explosives, and if his colleagues hadn’t disengaged the autonomous tracking, Mr. Babenko would person been a goner.

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