Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza

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Israel’s subject enactment wants a cease-fire with Hamas successful lawsuit a bigger warfare breaks retired successful Lebanon, information officials say. It has besides concluded that a truce would beryllium the swiftest mode to escaped hostages.

A enactment     of subject   vehicles raising clouds of dust.
A convoy of Israeli tanks adjacent the borderline with Gaza connected Monday.Credit...Amir Cohen/Reuters

July 2, 2024, 5:09 a.m. ET

Israel’s apical generals privation to statesman a cease-fire successful Gaza adjacent if it keeps Hamas successful powerfulness for the clip being, widening a rift betwixt the subject and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has opposed a truce that would let Hamas to past the war.

The generals deliberation that a truce would beryllium the champion mode of freeing the astir 120 Israelis inactive held, some dormant and alive, successful Gaza, according to interviews with six existent and erstwhile information officials.

Underequipped for further warring aft Israel’s longest warfare successful decades, the generals besides deliberation their forces request clip to recuperate successful lawsuit a onshore warfare breaks retired against Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia that has been locked successful a low-level combat with Israel since October, aggregate officials said.

A truce with Hamas could besides marque it easier to scope a woody with Hezbollah, according to the officials, astir of whom spoke connected the information of anonymity to sermon delicate information matters. Hezbollah has said it volition proceed to onslaught bluish Israel until Israel stops warring successful the Gaza Strip.

Known collectively arsenic the General Staff Forum, Israel’s subject enactment is formed from astir 30 elder generals, including the subject main of staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the commanders of the army, aerial unit and navy, and the caput of subject intelligence.

The military’s cognition to a cease-fire reflects a large displacement successful its reasoning implicit the past months arsenic it became much wide that Mr. Netanyahu was refusing to articulate oregon perpetrate to a postwar plan. That determination has fundamentally created a powerfulness vacuum successful the enclave that has forced the subject to spell backmost and combat successful parts of Gaza it had already cleared of Hamas fighters.

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