Italy Jobless Rate Remains Stable At 6.8%

2 days ago 3

Italy's unemployment complaint held dependable astatine much than fifteen-and-a-half years debased successful May, the statistical bureau ISTAT reported Tuesday.

The jobless complaint came successful astatine 6.8 percent successful May, the aforesaid arsenic successful April, which was the lowest jobless fig since September 2008. Meanwhile, economists had expected the complaint to emergence to 6.9 percent.

In the corresponding period past year, the complaint was 7.8 percent.

At the aforesaid time, the employment complaint edged down to 62.2 percent successful May from 62.3 percent successful the erstwhile month.

The younker unemployment complaint came successful astatine 20.5 percent successful May, up somewhat from 20.4 percent successful April.

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