Sydney bus shake-up for opening of major new metro train line

1 day ago 3

Five autobus routes volition beryllium axed, 11 changed and work frequence connected astir 2 twelve boosted connected weekdays oregon weekends to assistance funnel passengers onto a $21.6 cardinal metro obstruction enactment nether the bosom of Sydney erstwhile it opens successful aboriginal August.

As foreshadowed by the Herald, astir of the changes volition beryllium to autobus routes successful Sydney’s northbound and north-west, and volition instrumentality effect connected the time that the main conception of the caller driverless bid enactment from Chatswood to Sydenham opens.

The alteration  to autobus  routes is designed to funnel commuters into North Sydney’s Victoria Cross station, pictured, and different   stops on  the caller   metro line.

The alteration to autobus routes is designed to funnel commuters into North Sydney’s Victoria Cross station, pictured, and different stops on the caller metro line.Credit: Nick Moir

The authorities expects the enactment volition unfastened connected a play successful early August, though the last day is taxable to the result of proceedings operations and support from nationalist obstruction information regulators.

The ribbon cutting by politicians and dignitaries is expected to hap connected a Saturday, either August 3 oregon 10, and the enactment opened to passengers soon aft 4am the pursuing time erstwhile the archetypal trains permission either extremity of the railway successful Sydenham oregon Tallawong.

The rerouting, axing oregon hold to frequencies of autobus services to accommodate the caller obstruction enactment volition person the top interaction connected commuters successful Blacktown, the Hills, Ryde, Lane Cove and North Sydney.

The changes to autobus routes are partially designed to funnel commuters onto the driverless bid line, and debar duplication of services. A akin shake-up of bus services successful Sydney’s north-west was made successful 2019 erstwhile the archetypal signifier of the metro enactment betwixt Tallawong and Chatswood opened.

Buses to Macquarie Park, pictured, and different   parts of Sydney’s northbound  enactment     and north-west volition  acquisition    a shake-up.

Buses to Macquarie Park, pictured, and different parts of Sydney’s northbound enactment and north-west volition acquisition a shake-up.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

As portion of the latest overhaul, routes 200 (Gore Hill-Bondi Junction), 259 (Chatswood-Macquarie Park), 294 (Macquarie University-Wynyard), 602X (Bella Vista-North Sydney) and 619 (Macquarie Park-Castle Hill) volition beryllium axed.

Route 265 volition proceed to tally betwixt Lane Cove and North Sydney but volition nary longer widen to Greenwich wharf. Instead, way 267 volition regenerate 265 to Greenwich wharf.

In addition, way 288 volition halt operating betwixt Epping and Macquarie University. However, a 288 work volition tally betwixt Macquarie University and Epping Boys High connected mornings and afternoons during schoolhouse days.


In a determination aimed astatine removing autobus services that duplicate the metro line, way 320 betwixt Gore Hill and Green Square volition beryllium shortened. It volition tally lone betwixt Green Square and Central Station.

Route 115 volition run arsenic a loop work betwixt Chatswood and North Sydney alternatively of moving into the CBD. Route 252 betwixt Gladesville and the CBD volition decorativeness astatine North Sydney alternatively than tally to King Street Wharf. Route 261 from Lane Cove to the CBD volition terminate astatine North Sydney alternatively of King Street Wharf.

However, frequence of services volition beryllium boosted connected routes 261, 267, 546, 549, 630, 610X, 715, 740, 742, 745, 747, 748, and 751. These routes assistance link commuters to stations connected the caller metro line.

A caller route, fig 516, betwixt Top Ryde, North Ryde and Chatswood volition beryllium enactment on, portion different caller service, fig 119, volition tally betwixt Gore Hill and North Sydney connected weekdays during highest periods.


Transport Minister Jo Haylen said the autobus changes were aimed astatine ensuring predominant and accelerated journeys for passengers, and connecting the caller metro enactment to the remainder of the nationalist transport network.

“We are sharing these adjustments to autobus routes present truthful passengers person plentifulness of clip to statesman readying their journeys and instrumentality vantage of the caller metro enactment from opening day,” she said.

Transport for NSW coordinator-general Howard Collins said the opening of the caller metro enactment successful August, unneurotic with the archetypal signifier of the Parramatta airy obstruction line, would alteration the mode radical traversed Sydney.

“We privation passengers utilizing autobus services to link to the caller metro enactment and instrumentality vantage of a faster trip,” helium said.

The 2nd signifier of the city’s expanding driverless bid web has been known arsenic Metro City and Southwest during 7 years of construction. It is an hold of the existing Metro Northwest line, which opened successful 2019 betwixt Rouse Hill and Chatswood astatine a outgo of $7.3 billion.

The 2 stages volition signifier 1 enactment and beryllium known arsenic the M1 erstwhile it opens to passengers successful August. The opening of the last part of the Metro City and Southwest task betwixt Sydenham and Bankstown has been delayed until precocious adjacent twelvemonth owed to difficulties converting an existing agelong of obstruction enactment to metro bid standards.

A travel connected a metro bid from Chatswood to the caller Gadigal presumption adjacent Town Hall successful the CBD volition beryllium 13 minutes, portion Chatswood to Sydenham volition instrumentality 22 minutes.

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