Seek, Indeed and Gumtree urged to join fight against ‘brazen’ job ads

1 day ago 3

Australia’s workplace regulator is asking much organisations to measurement up successful the crackdown against employers advertizing jobs for illegally debased wage portion informing employers tin expect to beryllium fined and monitored for underpayment if caught.

Fair Work Ombudsman Anna Booth has written to Seek, Gumtree, Indeed and Chinese media level yeeyi aft issuing 151 penalties totalling much than $89,000 to wrongdoing employers without anterior informing to nonstop a beardown connection astir the unlawful behaviour.

Fair Work Ombudsman Anna Booth is bringing much  organisations into the combat  against unlawful occupation  ads.

Fair Work Ombudsman Anna Booth is bringing much organisations into the combat against unlawful occupation ads.Credit: Peter Rae

In 1 instance, the regulator received a tip-off astir a occupation listing for full-time and part-time barroom unit roles astatine $7 to $10.50 an hour, which Booth described arsenic “brazen underpayment” and “totally unacceptable”.

“We needed to marque a large constituent of this,” Booth said. “In this case, due to the fact that we are looking to deter employers from doing this, we person decided to instrumentality a strict attack and good those radical who are intelligibly successful contravention.”

The regulator does not person legislative powers to unit employment websites to co-operate. Booth said the ombudsman was taking a much collaborative attack with labour prosecute authorities, national and leader organisations to physique a “culture of compliance” alternatively than moving successful silos.

“It volition beryllium wholly voluntary – we’d beryllium looking for them to beryllium bully firm citizens and enactment with us,” Booth said astir the occupation platforms.


“It’s 1 of the goals of my clip astatine the Fair Work Ombudsman to truly elevate that nationalist conversation, truthful it’s wide there’s enactment successful the workplace assemblage for just workplaces.”

Gumtree main enforcement Tommy Logtenberg said the online marketplace was conducting hourly sweeps to find and region ads that did not conscionable minimum wage standards successful their respective industries and said determination was a instrumentality for users to study those ads.

“This is an ongoing contented crossed each integer platforms, and we are precise overmuch committed to being portion of the solution unneurotic with peers and the regulator,” Logtenberg said.

“We are presently moving connected further back-end developments straight targeting this issue, and we anticipation to beryllium capable to denote them soon. We interact with six cardinal Australians each month, and we are making continual improvements to our idiosyncratic acquisition and safety.”

Seek declined to remark but confirmed it would question a gathering with the regulator to enactment much intimately together. Indeed did not respond to requests for comment.

The spate of infringement notices people the archetypal clip that caller laws nether the Secure Jobs Better Pay Act, passed successful 2022, person been used. As of January 7 past year, it is unlawful for employers to station occupation ads for wage that is little than minimum wage, manufacture awards, oregon endeavor agreements.

But the measurement of contravening occupation ads, a occupation Booth described arsenic wide and enduring that often deliberately targets migrant workers, had not abated since the authorities was passed. In different instance, an advertisement for a cafe attendant listed a wage complaint of $13.36 an hour. The leader claimed the complaint was “close” to the complaint for a idiosyncratic nether 17 and that they should person lone a warning.

“It has been a deep-seated occupation for a agelong time,” Booth said.


Employers issued with fines volition spell into the regulator’s broader surveillance system, which folds successful tip-offs from the community, media and adjacent members of parliament.

“We initially effort to resoluteness them done quality resolution, and past if we can’t, we person to analyse them, and ultimately, if necessary, contented immoderate enforcement instruments, and if those enforcement instruments are not complied with, past of course, the adjacent measurement is to instrumentality them to court.”

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