North Korea’s New Must-Have Accessory: The Kim Jong-un Pin

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Asia Pacific|North Korea’s New Must-Have Accessory: The Kim Jong-un Pin

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With the instauration of the pin, Mr. Kim is said to beryllium elevating his property cult to the level erstwhile reserved for his begetter and grandfather.

A tiny  reddish  pin is attached to a suit   coat. The pin has a reddish  inheritance  and the representation  of Kim Jong-un.
A photograph provided by North Korean authorities media was said to amusement a elder authoritative wearing a pin with the representation of Kim Jong-un during a ruling Workers’ Party gathering successful Pyongyang connected Sunday.Credit...Korean Central News Agency, via Associated Press

Choe Sang-Hun

July 2, 2024, 6:10 a.m. ET

When North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, met with his ruling Workers’ Party successful the past week, helium had immoderate bully news. The country, which has agelong struggled with hunger, was expecting a “fairly good” harvest this year, helium reported, and had precocious signed a communal defence treaty with Russia.

The bigger news, though, mightiness beryllium what officials were wearing astatine the gathering successful Pyongyang, the capital: chest pins bearing Mr. Kim’s image, according to photos released done authorities media.

Mr. Kim’s household has led North Korea since its founding successful 1948 and has agelong indoctrinated its radical to worship the Kims similar godlike figures. Every location and bureau gathering has portraits of Mr. Kim’s grandfather, Kim Il-sung, and his father, Kim Jong-il, hanging connected walls. Every North Korean is required to deterioration a pin bearing the representation of either of the 2 elder Kims oregon a double-image badge connected their chest.

By introducing a pin of his ain image, Mr. Kim is elevating his idolization and the property cult surrounding him to lucifer the level reserved, until now, lone for his grandfather, who ruled from 1948 until his decease successful 1994, and his father, who succeeded him and ruled until 2011, according to South Korean officials and analysts. Its instauration means that North Koreans present person 3 pins and images to take from for wearing.

If contented follows, the representation of the latest person — present Kim Jong-un’s — volition yet go the astir communal choice.


A photograph provided by North Korean authorities media said to beryllium of the Worker’s Party meeting. Credit...Korean Central News Agency, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

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