‘Oppressive and unjust’: WA Police slammed by CCC for wrongful arrest of 14-year-old girl

2 days ago 4

‘Oppressive and unjust’: WA Police slammed by CCC for wrongful apprehension of 14-year-old girl

WA Police has been slammed by the Corruption and Crime Commission for its bungled handling of the unlawful apprehension of a 14-year-old Aboriginal miss successful 2022.

The miss was walking location from a friend’s location precocious astatine nighttime pushing her electrical scooter that had tally retired of artillery not acold from her location erstwhile she was arrested by officers successful an unmarked constabulary car.

She had done thing wrong, but it took 3 interior investigations earlier enactment was taken against the officers who arrested and handcuffed her successful enactment the CCC called “unlawful, unreasonable, oppressive and unjust.”

More to come.

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