Optus Stadium turf faces slippery slope of criticism

2 days ago 4
By Justin Chadwick

June 28, 2024 — 2.24pm

West Coast manager Adam Simpson has criticised the Optus Stadium surface, but says helium doesn’t clasp immoderate sedate concerns astir subordinate payment astatine the venue.

The slippery quality of the turf astatine the Perth venue was thrust into the spotlight pursuing past week’s clash betwixt Fremantle and Gold Coast.

The crushed  has travel  nether  fire.

The crushed has travel nether fire.Credit: AFL Photos via Getty Images

Players from some sides struggled to support their feet passim the lucifer contempt the good conditions, raising concerns astir the prime of the playing surface.

In response, Optus Stadium main enforcement Mike McKenna said a caller turf-management strategy would beryllium considered for adjacent season.

West Coast look Hawthorn astatine the venue connected Sunday, and each eyes volition beryllium connected however the turf is holding up.

Simpson was among galore to rise concerns implicit the hardness of the playing aboveground astatine Optus Stadium erstwhile the venue opened successful 2018, but present it’s go excessively slippery.

“It’s not fantastic. It could beryllium better, they’ve admitted that,” Simpson told reporters connected Friday.

“But it’s OK. It’s not terrible.

“It gets a spot slippery connected the bench-side wing, for reasons I don’t know. But some teams person got to woody with it.

“We’ll backmost successful that they’ll get it close sooner oregon later. I’m not overly acrophobic by the surface.”

Former Richmond guardant Jack Riewoldt this week labelled the Optus Stadium turf arsenic “sub par”, portion Fremantle manager Justin Longmuir besides expressed immoderate concerns.

“It’s little than ideal,” helium said.

“It’s a slippery aboveground ... inconsistent wherever the caller writer is laid versus the aged grass.”

West Coast person stopped holding their main grooming sessions astatine Optus Stadium.

Simpson said that determination was partially owed to the slippery surface, but chiefly due to the fact that his squad are amended suited to utilizing the 2 ovals astatine their location basal of Mineral Resources Park.

West Coast volition beryllium boosted by the instrumentality of Harley Reid (suspension) and Tim Kelly (hip) against the Hawks.

Harley Reid is backmost  this weekend.

Harley Reid is backmost this weekend.Credit: Getty Images

But Elliot Yeo remains successful uncertainty pursuing the decease of his begetter Craig connected Monday night.

Simpson says helium volition springiness Yeo close up until bounce down to determine whether helium wants to play.

“He’s got the flexibility Elliot this week. We’ve truly tried to respect the concern he’s going through, which is tragic,” Simpson said.


“He popped into the nine (on Thursday) for the morning. He’s present today, and we’ll spot however helium goes done the captain’s run.

“We’ll springiness him up to the past infinitesimal earlier the game.

“If helium feels similar he’s not up for it, past helium won’t (play).”

The Eagles suffered a stroke astatine grooming this week erstwhile Jack Petruccelle tweaked his hamstring.

Petruccelle and guardant Liam Ryan added immoderate gait and X-factor into the midfield during past week’s 30-point nonaccomplishment to Essendon.


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