Police raid home of singer accused of not paying for enormous TV

3 weeks ago 10

8 minutes ago

Sofia Ferreira Santos,BBC News

Getty Images Singer Sean Kingston performing successful  June 2023Getty Images

Police person raided a Florida mansion believed to beryllium the residence of Sean Kingston.

The singer, whose ineligible sanction is Kisean Anderson, was named arsenic surviving astatine the residence adjacent Fort Lauderdale successful tribunal documents from February.

He was accused successful February by a institution of not afloat paying for a immense TV and dependable system.

A pistillate thought to beryllium his parent was arrested astatine the spot nether fraud and theft charges.

In a connection to the BBC, the Broward Sheriff’s Office confirmed it served apprehension and hunt warrants astatine the property.

"As a effect of the investigation, an big female, Janice Turner, 2/16/1963, was taken into custody connected galore fraud and theft charges.

"This probe is progressive and ongoing."

It is not wide whether Mr Kingston was contiguous astatine the spot during the clip of the arrest, oregon if the apprehension is linked to the company's allegations.

Mr Kingston appeared to respond to the quality connected his Instagram account.

"I americium bully and truthful is my mother," the vocalist said successful effect to reports that the arrested pistillate was his mother.

"My lawyers are handling everything arsenic we speak," helium added.

The BBC has approached Mr Kingston and his mother, known connected Instagram arsenic Mama Kingston, for comment.

WFOR/CBS News Police cars adjacent   houseWFOR/CBS News

Footage obtained by the BBC's US partner, CBS, shows respective constabulary cars and a ample constabulary conveyance adjacent the mansion

In tribunal documents seen by the BBC, Ver Ver Entertainment claims Mr Kingston contacted the institution implicit societal media successful September 2023 to acquisition a "232-inch Colossal TV, coupled with a robust dependable system."

The institution claims Mr Kingston "induced" the concern to instal the products with "as tiny a down outgo arsenic possible" by making "numerous mendacious representations", including a proposition that helium would make promotional videos for the institution with Justin Bieber.

Following the installation, the institution says Mr Kingston failed to marque the remaining payments, and sued him for breach of declaration and fraud.

A lawyer representing Ver Ver Entertainment told Miami's Local 10 quality that the institution was hoping to retrieve it from the location pursuing the constabulary raid.

"We cognize that our spot is wrong this location close here, truthful arsenic soon arsenic the raid takes spot we are going to person a unit of radical successful determination to reassemble it and instrumentality it backmost to its rightful owner."

Mr Kingston, 34, is known for hits specified arsenic "Beautiful Girls", "Fire Burning", and "Eenie Meenie" featuring Justin Bieber.

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