Portugal Inflation Eases To 2.8% In June

4 days ago 6

Portugal's user prices roseate astatine a somewhat slower complaint successful June, preliminary information from Statistics Portugal showed connected Friday.

Consumer terms ostentation eased to 2.8 percent successful June from 3.1 percent successful May.

Core inflation, which excludes vigor and unprocessed nutrient products, besides slowed to 2.3 percent successful June from 2.7 percent successful the anterior month.

The yearly terms maturation successful nutrient products decelerated to 2.0 percent from 2.5 percent. Meanwhile, prices for vigor products grew astatine an accelerated gait of 9.4 percent versus a 7.8 percent emergence successful May. 

On a monthly basis, user prices remained level successful June aft rising 0.3 successful the erstwhile month.

EU-harmonised ostentation besides softened to 3.1 percent successful June from 3.8 percent a period ago.

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