Praj Industries, NOCIL, Affle India, Chola Invest, Safari Ind and more: B&K lists top 10 stock picks for July

2 days ago 3

June closed with a notable 6 percent summation for the Indian market, its highest monthly summation successful 2024 and the largest since December 2023. This surge reflects beardown capitalist assurance bolstered by affirmative economical signals, expectations of argumentation consistency, and renewed overseas investments.

Looking forward, experts expect the bullish momentum successful the Indian marketplace to persist. If you're uncertain astir your concern choices, B&K Securities has released its apical 10 banal picks for July. Let's research them:

Affle India: B&K has maintained a Buy standing connected the banal with a people terms of 1,474, implying an implicit 9% imaginable upside. The brokerage anticipates immoderate disruptions to beryllium temporary, with RMG (real wealth gaming) expected to retrieve successful the upcoming quarters. Management's efforts successful revitalising developed markets person shown affirmative results, offsetting gross declines successful the Indian market. Valuation-wise, the banal trades astatine a FY26E P/E of 42x. Projected maturation rates see a revenue, EBITDA, and EPS CAGR of 22%, 26%, and 24% respectively from FY24 to FY26E. It advises utilising dips oregon corrections to accumulate much of the stock.

Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company: The brokerage has a ‘Buy’ standing connected the banal with a people terms of 1,600, indicating an implicit 14% imaginable upside. B&K forecasts CIFC to execute a 26.4% AUM maturation CAGR from FY24 to FY26E, with absorption guiding for 25-30% maturation successful FY25. They expect a 23 ground points enlargement successful Net Interest Margin (NIM) implicit FY24-26, expecting margins for the VF (vehicle finance) concern to amended from existent levels. Credit costs are projected to normalise to 1.1% implicit FY25-26, supported by multi-year low-stress publication plus quality. Return connected Assets (RoAs) and Return connected Equity (RoEs) are forecasted to scope betwixt 2.6% and 2.7% and astir 21%, respectively, with AUM and Profit After Tax (PAT) achieving CAGRs of 26% and 33% implicit FY24-26E.

Neuland Laboratories: The brokerage upheld a Buy standing with a people terms of 7,500 per stock (2% downside). In its bullish scenario, incorporating the BMS molecule KarXT, B&K's people rises to 10,250 (33% upside). Although the existent people terms suggests constricted upside, the brokerage remains optimistic astir achieving its bullish people owed to the compelling semipermanent prospects of the stock.

It besides noted that Neuland has established a beardown instauration with 1) a robust pipeline successful its CMS division, 2) a displacement successful income premix towards much profitable CMS supplies, and 3) steadfast escaped currency procreation totaling 1.2 cardinal (net currency position), enabling capableness and capableness expansions. B&K projects a 12% PAT CAGR from FY24 to FY26, with EBITDA margins expected betwixt 28% and 30%. Key molecules successful CMS see Bempedoic acerb for Espirion, with Neuland consistently supplying and expecting revenues to ramp up to $40-60 cardinal implicit the adjacent 2 to 3 years, added B&K.

NOCIL: The brokerage has a Buy standing connected the banal with a people terms of 354, indicating a 24% upside. From a humble FY24 base, net are projected to astir treble (1.8x), with Core Return connected Capital Employed (RoCE) expanding from 10.5% successful FY24 to 18.9% by FY26E, predicted B&K. It added that the institution is expected to prolong its debt-free presumption and heighten escaped currency travel generation, driven by robust operational profits and nary indebtedness repayment commitments.

Praj Industries: B&K retained a Buy standing connected the banal with a people terms of 831 (11.5% upside). As per the brokerage, Praj Industries' advancement successful ethanol and engineering has bolstered its bid book. With a absorption connected customer-centric strategies, exertion leadership, and beardown execution capabilities, the institution aims to prehend maturation opportunities. It noted that Praj's exertion supports 10% of planetary ethanol production. Key maturation drivers see expanding 1G ethanol markets successful India and overseas, planetary low-carbon opportunities, robust CBG marketplace beingness successful India, diversification into bioproducts beyond fuels, and a imaginativeness for tripling gross by 2030, stated B&K. It continues to judge that Praj is the champion proxy play connected sustainability and the decarbonisation theme.

Prudent Corporate Advisory Services: B&K maintains a Buy standing with a bullish people terms of 2,186 (15% upside), factoring successful accordant show inflows, unchangeable markets, and accelerated maturation successful security distribution. During the quarter, the firm's Average Assets Under Management exceeded 80,000 crore, with SIP monthly bookings surpassing 700 crore, noted the brokerage. The communal money concern achieved a gross output of 90 bps, reflecting robust execution crossed each segments and enhancing profitability. Despite a affluent valuation of 35.5x FY26E earnings, sustained momentum successful communal money flows and PRUDENT's absorption connected SIP-driven nett flows are expected to thrust important PAT maturation and enactment banal terms appreciation, it added.

Safari Industries (India): The brokerage has a ‘Buy’ standing connected the banal with a people terms of 2,468 (18% upside). As per the brokerage, The wide conception is booming arsenic consumers displacement from unbranded to entry-level branded products, driven by competitory pricing, robust after-sales service, and divers plan choices. SII capitalised connected this trend, rapidly expanding its marketplace stock successful the organised sector, astir doubling it from FY15 to FY24. It further noted that the steadfast is doubling its capableness to 1.15 cardinal bags per period astatine a outgo of 2.15 billion. Production volition commencement astatine 0.3 cardinal bags per period initially, ramping up by Diwali to conscionable aboriginal maturation needs implicit the adjacent fewer years.

Moreover, SII sees important imaginable successful the backpack conception owed to its dominance successful the organised market, which contrasts with the predominantly unorganised assemblage astatine somewhat higher terms points. SII plans to execute astir 2000 crore successful gross from backpack income implicit the adjacent 8-10 years. It expects SII’s Sales/EBITDA/PAT to turn astatine 22.2%/23.2%/23.9%, respectively.

Samvardhana Motherson International: B&K maintains a Buy standing connected the banal with a people terms of 226 (15% upside). The brokerage remains optimistic astir the stock's outlook, driven by sustained maturation momentum. At the existent marketplace terms of 190, the banal trades astatine 24.3x FY25E EPS of 7.8 and 18.5x FY26E EPS of 10.3. The anticipated maturation successful revenue, borderline enhancement, diversification beyond automotive sectors, caller bid acquisitions, improvement of powertrain agnostic components, and synergies from caller acquisitions are cardinal factors supporting B&K's affirmative view.

Usha Martin: The brokerage has a Buy standing connected the banal with a people terms of 471 (17% upside). Usha Martin is acceptable for intermediate-term maturation driven by accrued accumulation of value-added ligament ropes from the Ranchi works expansion, marketplace penetration into higher-priced regions, including Saudi Arabia, and borderline expansion, said B&K. Over the longer term, margins are expected to scope astir 21%, with an betterment of astir 300 ground points expected from FY24 to FY26E, alongside a projected 30% EPS compound yearly maturation rate, it predicted.

Vinati Organics: B&K has retained a Buy standing with a people terms of 2,147 (13% upside). Vinati is 1 of the fewer companies that has successfully navigated the de-stocking rhythm up of its peers, aiming for 25-30% measurement maturation successful FY25, noted B&K. With a committed FY25 capex of 500 crore, focusing connected expansions similar ATBS, MEHQ, Guaiacol, ISO Amylene Derivatives, and antioxidants, the institution anticipates a important top-line increase, projecting a 26/31/31% CAGR successful sales, EBITDA, and PAT from FY24 to FY26E. The banal is valued astatine 40x FY26E earnings, reflecting its beardown marketplace presumption and maturation prospects, added the brokerage.

Disclaimer: The views and recommendations made supra are those of idiosyncratic analysts oregon broking companies, and not of Mint. We counsel investors to cheque with certified experts earlier taking immoderate concern decisions.

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