Race-by-race preview and tips for Canterbury on Wednesday

2 days ago 2
By Nick Berney

July 2, 2024 — 6.00pm

Selections based connected a dense track.


9. Rybakina is an improving type, and she would person benefited from the contention acquisition astatine this way a fortnight agone erstwhile moving second. The filly, tracked wide with cover, wasn’t suited to the contention shape, but she built momentum and deed the enactment hard. Further, she ran 1 of the meeting’s fastest last 200m splits and tin lone measurement disconnected this effort. The Chris Waller-trained runner maps to person each favours, is proven connected the rain-affected ground, and immoderate betterment disconnected her past commencement fig volition marque her hard to clasp out.

Canterbury volition  big   a seven-race gathering  connected  Wednesday.

Canterbury volition big a seven-race gathering connected Wednesday.Credit: Getty

Dangers: 2. Cinsault comes done the aforesaid contention arsenic Rybakina and ran an honorable third. She SPed favourite and receives a 1.5kg plaything successful her favour. Expect her to rotation forward, person archetypal usage of the track, and beryllium hard to tally down. Debutante 7. Retainer volition admit the 1200m, and she recovered the enactment good aft being ridden successful a caller proceedings astatine Hawkesbury connected a heavy-rated surface. 5. Extremely Hardys has shown acceleration successful her trials and 3. Darn Cute is simply a knockout chance.

How to play it: Rybakina WIN.


6. Khaznah was rock-solid successful the marketplace astatine this way 14 days agone and was brave successful defeat, moving second. The filly led her rivals up astatine an adjacent tempo, sprinted disconnected the turn, and went down fighting. She has a affirmative contention setup here, and the blinkers spell connected for the archetypal time. In addition, she maps to power the velocity from the wrong gate, is rock-hard acceptable and volition instrumentality catching.

Dangers: 5. Jawharat Dubai brings a beardown illustration to this lawsuit and has raced well/consistently each preparation. She was heavy backed into $1.60 favourite past commencement astatine Kensington erstwhile moving 2nd down a astute benignant successful Charming Legend. She has aggregate winning ratings and different runner suited to the conditions. 8. Oh Diamond Lil volition person benefited from her debut tally and the emergence successful travel suits. 2. Maracaibo Sun maps to person each favours, and the rain-affected crushed is ideal.

How to play it: Khaznah WIN.


Leaning towards 4. O’ziggy, who brings beardown signifier lines to this event, and the blinkers spell backmost connected here. He’s raced solidly this run and was honorable successful decision past commencement astatine Hawkesbury erstwhile moving third. The measurement backmost successful region suits, his dense way ratings enactment up good against his rivals and expect an assertive thrust aboriginal with the booking of Tim Clark.

Dangers: 2. Mickey’s Medal is connected the speedy backup, coming done a beardown clip contention with the margins passim confirming the quality. He brings the champion last-start fig and, with luck from the draw, tin beryllium successful the finish. 3. Vomo Island and 8. Autumnmation are some past commencement winners and 1. Magnatear gets Nash Rawiller backmost connected board.

How to play it: O’ziggy WIN.


10. Merchant Lady ever indicated she would instrumentality improved successful her 2nd preparation, and she broke done for her maiden triumph first-up astatine Newcastle. The lightly raced galloper had each accidental but accelerated hard earlier she peaked connected her tally and inactive maintained a beardown finishing speed, clocking 1 of the meeting’s fastest last 200m splits. Further, that was a vocation highest fig connected a dense 10-rated surface. She has untapped ability, volition undoubtedly beryllium fitter and tin blend into the race, and usage her crook of ft to sprint implicit the apical of her rivals.

Dangers: 7. Kitty Chat resumes disconnected a 172-day spell and has had 2 trials starring into this, giving her a coagulated platform. She was heavy backed first-up past prep astatine this way and won easily. The Waterhouse and Bott galloper tin rotation guardant and beryllium hard to catch. Forgive 2. How Dare You’s past start, and she tin bounce backmost with a much blimpish ride. Add 1. Diamond Model who has proven dense way form/figures and 5. Llanddwyn maps to person each favours.

How to play it: Merchant Lady WIN.


3. Oakfield Duke is successful career-best signifier and brings a fittingness borderline comparative to immoderate of his cardinal rivals. The five-year-old has been racing well/consistently and has gone to a caller level successful his past 2 starts successful high-rating events. Further, helium deed the enactment hard successful his past commencement astatine this track/distance and repeating that fig volition enactment him successful the finish. He is suited to dense surfaces, and the blinkers spell connected for the archetypal time. Each-way.

Dangers: 6. Amnesty tin bounce backmost aft racing level second-up astatine this track. Before that start, her effort had sectional merit, and she is undefeated connected dense ground. 4. Silentsar profiles good from the wrong draw, and his career-peak fig came astatine this track/distance. Market ticker 5. Yasuke, who resumes, and 9. The Extreme Cat is simply a knockout chance.

How to play it: Oakfield Duke E/W.

Race 6 - 3:45PM TAB HANDICAP (1100 METRES)

Keen connected 5. Chief Conductor, whose first-up tally was afloat of merit successful a high-rating race, and that signifier notation has since been proven. The five-year-old caught the oculus aft having excessively overmuch to bash with the contention signifier against, and helium savaged the line, clocking the meeting’s fastest last 400m/200m splits. He tin amended sharply present with a overmuch much affirmative contention setup, and jockey Tim Clark has aggregate options from the wrong draw. The Sara Ryan trained galloper’s highest fig came astatine this track/distance, and helium holds a formidable second-up record. Likeable profile.

Dangers: 1. Direct needed the tally first-up astatine Sandown but inactive raced good and volition beryllium fitter for that effort. He gets successful good aft the claim, drops importantly successful people and relishes bedewed ground. 8. Oceans One tried hard successful decision aft ever facing the breeze past commencement astatine Kembla Grange, and a elder rider goes 3rd up. 10. Pokerjack is simply a knockout chance, and 3. Delexo draws good with Nash Rawiller steering.

How to play it: Chief Conductor WIN.



Like 10. She’s Unusual, who profiles good for this, and each cardinal indicators suggest she tin marque the step-in people here. She resumed astatine Newcastle 18 days agone erstwhile heavy backed, bolted in, and the timepiece backed up the visuals. She is inactive learning aft wanting to alteration stride and get connected the incorrect leg, but she inactive went done the enactment afloat of energy. The mare is unfastened to betterment with her highest figures coming connected dense surfaces; she’s an adaptable benignant and gets the cardinal booking of Kerrin McEvoy.

Dangers: 1. The Creator enactment his rivals distant easy first-up astatine this track/distance, and though having each chance, helium ran accelerated closing splits. He tin bounce disconnected that effort and volition rotation forward. 6. Enotis has trialled good and went done the enactment afloat of vigor successful a caller vigor astatine Rosehill. Prefer 3. The Little Pumper connected a drier surface, but helium tin springiness a show and 5. Dr Evil is simply a knockout chance.

How to play it: She’s Unusual WIN.

Best Bet: Race 6 # 5 – Chief Conductor

Next Best: Race 7 # 10 – She’s Unusual

Best Value: Race 4 # 10 – Merchant Lady

Supplied by Racing NSW
Full signifier and contention replays disposable astatine racingnsw.com.au

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