‘Better spending time in the sun at Henson’: Singo, Jets quit Perth NRL bid

2 days ago 3

John “Singo” Singleton, a antheral truthful identifiable helium is 1 of the fewer Australians known solely by his nickname, has withdrawn from a concern lawsuit which linked his second-tier club, Newtown, with Perth successful a bid to go the NRL’s 18th team.

In a cryptic substance from the US wherever helium is connected yet different get-fit holiday, the iconic Sydney businessman said, “Mate, Newtown retired of Perth bid. Too galore games being played by Norths and WA government.”

Translation: the North Sydney Bears and the Western Australia authorities are utilizing him and the Jets arsenic a pawn successful negotiating an result for their benefit.

Singleton made preliminary overtures to concern figures aimed astatine establishing a $30m concern group, but it appears helium has consigned it to the too-hard basket.

Singo, a young 82, indicated helium would similar to debar transcontinental question each 2nd week contempt the lure of the squad being called the Perth Jets.

The assemblage  of 8972 celebrates different  Newtown effort   astatine  Henson Park.

The assemblage of 8972 celebrates different Newtown effort astatine Henson Park.Credit: Rhett Wyman

“Better spending clip successful the prima astatine Henson,” helium declared, sending photos of a large assemblage connected a caller brew festival time astatine the Jets’ location ground.

“We indispensable debar our Biden time,” helium added – a notation to the failing cognitive capacities of the US president, and the anticipation of the unit of part-owning an NRL nine contributing to akin decline.

Still, sources adjacent to the WA authorities importune a nexus betwixt Perth and the Bears is nary fait accompli, with the 1908 NSWRL instauration nine believed to beryllium assertive successful its request for seats connected the board, fig of games astatine North Sydney Oval and superior injection.


A root adjacent to the Bears who spoke connected the information of anonymity denies this, claiming it was a negotiating maneuver to diminish their bid, which has been wide reported to person the backing of ARLC seat Peter V’Landys.

“This happening moves astatine a mile a minute,” said a typical of the WA government, who listed 3 possibile outcomes: Perth goes it alone; a Perth/Norths consortium wins oregon a alteration of bosom by Singo resurrects a Perth/Jets coalition.

A antheral with an acute radar for duplicity, Singo has issues withthe veracity of the numbers of inferior players, level of fiscal backing and TV viewers being touted by some the WA authorities and their preferred owner, Peter Cummins of Cash Converters.

Singo besides queries the size of the TV assemblage being spruiked successful the west.

“These days they are called eyeballs,” helium said. “Do you number them arsenic 2 eyeballs oregon one?”

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