Greg Lynn and the mystery of the double fatality at Zig Zag Road

2 days ago 2

This masthead is not suggesting determination is capable grounds to marque Lynn a fishy successful the fatalities, lone that the lawsuit remains a enigma to radical who knew them.

Thirteen sources who either cognize oregon person investigated Lynn person spoken to this masthead. They person pointed to coincidental geographic and carnal circumstances betwixt the fatal fire, the camper sidesplitting and the death of Greg’s archetypal wife, Lisa Lynn. The sources see police, colleagues of the erstwhile aviator and friends of Lisa, immoderate of whom person been re-interviewed by constabulary looking astatine her death.

Greg and Lisa Lynn.

Greg and Lisa Lynn.Credit: Jason South

Lisa, 34, was recovered dormant successful the beforehand plot of the couple’s Zig Zag Road location connected October 26, 1999, from a cocktail of medicine medicine and alcohol. The coronial inquest concluded “police investigations failed to uncover immoderate suspicious circumstances oregon the engagement of immoderate different idiosyncratic successful the decease of Lisa Lynn”.

Her friends and household bash not judge Lisa, who seldom drank alcohol, took her ain life.

The coroner delivered an unfastened uncovering into her decease and volition beryllium asked to clasp a 2nd inquest aft receiving caller information. Police person re-interviewed aggregate radical implicit Lisa’s death, telling 1 witnesser they were besides looking astatine different cases that whitethorn impact Greg Lynn.


On March 29, 2010, astatine 11.35pm, a rider successful a car saw the Viergever spot connected occurrence connected Zig Zag Road. When the Country Fire Authority arrived, the beforehand doorway was locked – they gained entree from an “open doorway connected the eastbound broadside of the house”. Part of the extortion had already collapsed.

CFA officers recovered the couple’s 3 favored dogs changeable dormant successful the laundry and the country hopelessly compromised by the fire.

Coroner Paresa Spanos heard that connected that day, the mates had carried retired their accustomed routine. Japp Viergever had gone to a section cafe successful the morning, visited his naturopath and attended a h2o aerobics class.

Annie Viergever had a greeting aquatics and an assignment with the naturopath.

That night, a person rang to talk with her. They could perceive her hubby preparing dinner. It was 7.45pm.

The Viergevers were good known successful the country and their sprawling location had go a societal hub for friends and neighbours.

“Lisa was friends with them,” 1 of her friends said. “[Viergevers] would assistance Lisa astir the house. Greg is idiosyncratic who ne'er ever forgets.” Another said: “He could clasp a grudge for 100 years.”

Coroner Spanos found: “The location was designed for entertaining and the Viergevers entertained regularly and were generous hosts.”

Spanos concluded: “I find that Mr Viergever changeable their 3 dogs and started the location fire, though not needfully successful that order, immoderate clip earlier causing Mrs Viergever’s decease by gunshot wounded to the head. I find that helium past intentionally took his ain beingness by self-inflicted gunshot wounded to the head.”

The probe was conducted by a section detective with the assistance of an arson chemist. It was not led by the homicide squad who look astatine suspicious deaths.

Police forensics and arson and explosives squad members sift done  the remains of a suspicious occurrence  successful  Zig Zag Road successful  Mount Macedon, March 2010.

Police forensics and arson and explosives squad members sift done the remains of a suspicious occurrence successful Zig Zag Road successful Mount Macedon, March 2010.Credit: Jason South

Investigating constabulary did not found why, if Japp Viergever had planned to termination his woman and past himself, helium would person bothered to spot his naturopath for a wellness cheque connected the aforesaid day. Or wherefore helium would take to termination the 3 dogs alternatively than fto them retired of the house.

Immediately aft the find of the bodies successful the burnt-out house, a elder constabulary serviceman told the media: “Obviously, determination are a fig of options we person to look at. At this stage, there’s nary denotation that determination were different parties progressive but we person to support an unfastened mind.

“Regardless of whether it’s a murder-suicide oregon an accident, it’s a tragedy, 2 radical person mislaid their lives.”


Athol Guy made a connection astatine the time: “We person mislaid 2 household members and 2 beauteous radical … We person nary wide thought yet what has happened.” Guy told friends helium had been to the location precocious and the mates were successful bully spirits.

An security assessor who went to the country said: “It didn’t marque immoderate consciousness to maine astatine the time. Why did the occurrence commencement astatine the different extremity of the house?”

Police reported the mates mightiness person been nether fiscal unit and Annie had insignificant wellness problems.

The deadly limb was an unlicensed .22 Squibman Model 11A bolt enactment repeating rifle. Japp was not a licensed firearm holder, was not a huntsman and nary 1 who knew him had ever seen him with a rifle.

Arson experts concluded the occurrence had been started by pouring flammable liquid connected the level of an bureau wrong the house.

Russell Hill and Carol Clay died successful  the distant    Wonnangatta Valley successful  2020. Hill’s Toyota LandCruiser and the burnt-out tract  astatine  Bucks Camp.

Russell Hill and Carol Clay died successful the distant Wonnangatta Valley successful 2020. Hill’s Toyota LandCruiser and the burnt-out tract astatine Bucks Camp. Credit: Victoria Police

In her report, the coroner recovered determination had been nary signs of struggle betwixt the couple.

“They had nary children but treated their 3 Hungarian Vizsla dogs similar children, caring for them assiduously and allowing them the tally of the house,” Spanos wrote.

Vizslas are called “velcro dogs” due to the fact that they emotion to instrumentality with their owners. Not people aggressive, they whitethorn bark excessively if they consciousness danger.


The constabulary did not find a termination enactment nor anyone who saw immoderate alteration successful the couple’s accustomed calm behaviour earlier the occurrence and their deaths.

Autopsies showed some died from azygous weapon changeable wounds to the caput and some were inactive breathing aft the occurrence was started. Two of the dogs had died from shots to the caput and the 3rd had been changeable twice, perchance earlier the occurrence started.

A person of Lisa Lynn told this masthead: “I retrieve Lisa telling maine Greg argued and was frustrated by the neighbours successful Zig Zag Road. She was alarmed astatine his hatred for them. Lisa was embarrassed by his outbursts. Lisa loved everyone.”

This masthead does not cognize which neighbours with whom Lynn had clashed.

Friends of Lisa accidental that aft helium argued with neighbours astir their dogs, 1 was recovered strung up connected a fence. “He had a hatred of barking dogs. He had a existent happening astir noise,” 1 said.

Another said Lisa had told her that erstwhile the Lynns lived successful Evandale adjacent Launceston Airport, Greg had had a quality with a neighbour and changeable their dog.

The Lynn location successful Zig Zag Road was past sold successful 2001. Greg Lynn near the country to enactment successful Qatar aft the 2002 illness of Ansett Airlines. He returned to Australia to enactment for Jetstar successful 2007.

Another person said Lisa had played a connection from Greg Lynn recorded connected the answering machine. “He threatened to termination her [Lisa] and determination was a pistillate successful the inheritance laughing. He was deadly calm.”

Friends said the answering instrumentality portion and Lisa’s elaborate diary were missing.

Coroner Graeme Johnstone recovered that Lisa had been successful an abusive narration with Greg Lynn, but concluded: “As nary termination enactment oregon different definitive indications of the deceased’s intentions were found, it is unclear whether she intended to instrumentality her ain life.”

Police investigations failed to uncover immoderate suspicious circumstances oregon the engagement of immoderate different idiosyncratic successful the decease of Lisa.

The assemblage connected the Clay and Hill execution proceedings was told that aft the killings, Lynn had changed the colour of his 1997 Nissan Patrol from blue/grey to tan. It was the 2nd clip the car had been painted due to the fact that it was primitively white.

It was painted bluish successful 2016 aft Lynn returned from a agelong travel to cardinal and bluish Australia. Police stay funny successful wherefore the car was repainted a antithetic colour.

Inquiries successful Victoria and interstate continue.

If you oregon idiosyncratic you cognize is successful request of support, interaction Lifeline connected 13 11 14 oregon Beyond Blue connected 1300 22 4636. In the lawsuit of an emergency, dial triple zero (000). Support is disposable from the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service astatine 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732).

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