Top-band HSC, NAPLAN targets for schools have been scrapped. Now, principals will set new ones

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Top-band HSC, NAPLAN targets for schools person been scrapped. Now, principals volition acceptable caller ones

The NSW Education Department volition halt mounting ambitious HSC and NAPLAN show targets for each nationalist schoolhouse and alternatively springiness principals the powerfulness to nominate their ain speechmaking and numeracy betterment measures.

Department caput Murat Dizdar told the Herald that nether changes to however nationalist schools study connected schoolhouse improvement, principals would nary longer beryllium fixed circumstantial targets for lifting the fig of pupils successful the apical 2 accomplishment bands.

NSW Education Department caput   Murat Dizdar said schools volition  nary  longer beryllium  fixed  apical  2  set  NAPLAN targets, but volition  beryllium  asked to see  “growth measures” successful  schoolhouse  betterment  plans.

NSW Education Department caput Murat Dizdar said schools volition nary longer beryllium fixed apical 2 set NAPLAN targets, but volition beryllium asked to see “growth measures” successful schoolhouse betterment plans. Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

“Having targets for the apical 2 NAPLAN bands did not seizure betterment of each students. A maturation measurement volition amended seizure if each children astatine a schoolhouse are moving forward,” Dizdar said.

But critics pass allowing principals to take from a scope of appraisal metrics to acceptable their ain betterment measures could dilute accountability and marque it harder for parents to way however schools are performing.

The apical 2 set “stretch targets” were introduced as portion of the School Success Model nether the erstwhile Coalition authorities successful 2020. The argumentation was criticised by principals who said a absorption connected the apical set targets was demotivating and failed to relationship for pupil complexity.


Under changes arsenic portion of the authorities government’s program for nationalist education, the exemplary volition beryllium abolished and schools volition present study connected betterment – oregon maturation – measures for 4 cardinal areas: reading, numeracy, attendance and post-school pathways.

“As a erstwhile principal, the champion measurement of worthy of an interaction of a schoolhouse is if they’re capable to determination each kid forward,” Dizdar said.

Schools tin take from a scope of metrics - specified arsenic check-in appraisal information oregon pupil study information – to find the betterment measures which volition alteration for each schoolhouse depending connected its circumstances. From adjacent year, schools volition person the enactment of including NAPLAN information successful maturation measures.

An OECD study published past year analysing the Schools Success Model recovered that immoderate principals felt the exemplary enactment excessively overmuch absorption connected the apical 2 NAPLAN bands, alternatively “than making sustainable improvements successful teaching and the learning of each students”.


However, it besides recovered galore schoolhouse leaders were supportive of the usage of strategy and schoolhouse targets to assistance schools pinpoint areas of improvement.

Some principals person warned removing wide and ambitious targets based connected NAPLAN results risks betterment measures becoming excessively ambiguous.

“It’s a backwards step. The infinitesimal you instrumentality retired circumstantial targets based connected standardised tests you region accountability. We should beryllium aspirational,” said 1 principal. Another said it risked leaving parents successful the dark, and was acrophobic schools whitethorn person excessively overmuch state to acceptable their ain measures.

Glenn Fahey, probe chap astatine the Centre for Independent Studies, said ideally schoolhouse plans would see wide and explicit targets for improvements successful standardised tests, which could see targets for the fig of students achieving proficiency successful NAPLAN.

But past president of the NSW Secondary Principals’ Council, Craig Petersen, said a maturation measurement is much due for a ample strategy of schools.

“Overall, having a maturation measurement is amended than focusing connected the apical 2 bands. We request to beryllium ambitious, but you’ve got to spot the profession. The section volition show however schools re-set targets and marque definite they are valid,” helium said.

Opposition acquisition spokeswoman Sarah Mitchell said the School Success Model expanded connected the 2016 Bump It Up strategy that aimed to boost pupil show successful the apical show bands.

“Removing the School Success Model is simply a watering down of accountability and removes the accidental for parents to person transparency astir however students are performing. Schools should besides study connected phonics screening cheque targets.

“The occurrence exemplary wasn’t punitive. It was expected to beryllium that the section would intervene to marque definite schools had the support.”

The section said schools could usage a suite of assessments to acceptable maturation measures, including check-in assessment, Progressive Achievement Tests, HSC minimum standards oregon school-based grades.

“Most schools volition besides see NAPLAN erstwhile the caller information is available. However, determination volition beryllium immoderate circumstances wherever this wouldn’t beryllium the astir meaningful oregon due measure,” a section spokesperson said.

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