Vocational guidance reverts to type

2 days ago 3

Peter Riley of Penrith seems a small keyed up: “Many moons ago, astatine school, we were fixed a bid of vocational guidance tests supposedly to debar excessively galore quadrate pegs successful circular holes. I had a mate who was told to beryllium a typewriter mechanic. No program B, conscionable that. Last week I was chatting to idiosyncratic who went to a antithetic schoolhouse and, strangely enough, helium was fixed the aforesaid typewriter mechanic directive. Were these recommendations wholly kosher oregon were they trying to capable gaps successful the labour market? Then again they told maine to beryllium a lawyer, and you tin ne'er person capable of them.”

“Mention of Collector (C8) reminded maine that determination is simply a NSW Police Highway Patrol car often hiding successful the bushes of the Federal Highway median portion there,” notes Greg Oehm of Western Creek (Tas). “I judge the locality’s afloat sanction is Revenue Collector.”

The different haunt presently nether treatment is the colony of Broke (C8), the acknowledgment of which gave David Gordon of Cranbrook origin to retrieve that 1 clip “the hint successful a Herald crossword was on the lines of ’2880 formed from 2330 and 3418?′ (6,4). Broke is 2330, and Nhill is 3418; drawstring them together, and you get Broken Hill (2880).”

“Among galore young Irish professionals (C8) calling Australia location are podiatrists, regularly visiting nursing homes,” writes Rosemary Seam of Kempsey. “One of our favourites is Alexander, from a agrarian country adjacent Belfast. His member stayed astatine location to tally the household farm, and we look guardant to regular updates.”

“Judging by their fig plates, the physicians were retired successful unit connected the roads past weekend,” says Viv Munter of Pennant Hills. “Spotted connected luxury cars was 1DR and IMPLNT. On a chapeau trick, I noticed HIPPO too. Could that person been abbreviated for Hippocrates oregon a hep replacement surgeon?”

Stephen Tait of Rose Bay was perusing beyond C8 to Tuesday’s concern pages and work of a yoghurt institution with “the caller CEO saying helium has ‘inherited a concern with a bully culture’. Was helium keeping that enactment lukewarm for a while?”

“After watching the archetypal fractional of State of Origin II, possibly the ‘unsure’ brigade (C8) thought they were watching a Wests Tigers match?” offers Bill Young of Killcare Heights. Careful, Bill. Any much speech similar that and Peter Miniutti volition travel aft you with a woody spoon!


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