UN weather agency says Tropical Cyclone Freddy that hit eastern Africa last year was longest ever

2 days ago 2

The U.N. upwind bureau says it has confirmed that Tropical Cyclone Freddy, a deadly Indian Ocean tempest that lashed eastbound Africa past year, was the longest-lasting cyclone ever recorded — astatine 36 days

GENEVA -- The U.N. upwind bureau said Tuesday that Tropical Cyclone Freddy, a deadly Indian Ocean tempest that lashed eastbound Africa past year, was confirmed to beryllium the longest-lasting cyclone ever recorded astatine 36 days.

Freddy topped the erstwhile grounds held by Hurricane John, which struck Hawaii and lasted astir 30 days successful the bluish Pacific 3 decades ago, the World Meteorological Organization said arsenic it released a survey which began arsenic Freddy waned successful March past year.

It was besides the second-longest successful presumption of region traveled, astatine immoderate 12,785 kilometers (7,945 miles) — portion John was much than 13,000 kilometers, the bureau said.

In the aftermath of Freddy, which pounded eastbound Africa successful 2 phases, much than 1,200 were reported dormant oregon missing successful Malawi portion much than 180 radical died successful Mozambique, the WMO said.

“It didn’t marque conscionable 1 landfall, which is what we usually spot with a tropical cyclone," said Clare Nullis, a WMO spokeswoman. "It had aggregate landfalls successful what precise are susceptible countries: Mozambique, Madagascar, it besides had large impacts successful Malawi, different confederate African countries.”

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