Deepfakes: There's a thin line between satire and defamation

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premium Opinion

Anushka Sharda & Madhav Khosla 4 min read 27 Jun 2024, 03:00 PM IST

Research suggests adjacent    fair-minded radical   whitethorn  person  trouble  determining whether statements oregon  actions are attributable to the taxable  of a deepfake. Research suggests adjacent fair-minded radical whitethorn person trouble determining whether statements oregon actions are attributable to the taxable of a deepfake.


  • Discerning the quality betwixt deepfake satire and defamation has been made harder by AI generated video clips that could beryllium mistaken arsenic existent depictions. Satirists should contented wide disclaimers that could shield them from the instrumentality against damaging people’s reputations.

Satire has agelong been accepted arsenic a morganatic signifier of escaped speech, not constituting defamation. However, with the advent of deepfakes created utilizing generative AI tools, whether contented is parody oregon defamation is not constricted to lone the question of what is said, but present includes the question of whether the spectator tin reasonably archer who said it.

Several nationalist figures successful India person precocious been the taxable of deepfakes, immoderate of which were wide circulated connected societal media. While morphed images are not a caller phenomenon, deepfakes created by artificial quality (AI) are distinguished by a overmuch higher grade of realism. 

As AI—and deepfakes successful particular—go mainstream crossed online platforms, the question of however these technologies impact our ineligible obligations becomes much prominent.

The Delhi precocious tribunal precocious examined the usage of non-consensual deepfakes successful the substance of Anil Kapoor vs Simply Life India & Others. The Hindi movie histrion Anil Kapoor had approached the Delhi precocious tribunal against the misuse of his image, name, dependable and persona without his consent.

Also read: Alia Bhatt Deepfake: Bollywood histrion again a unfortunate of AI manipulation; netizens ask, 'Is this legal?

The Delhi precocious tribunal observed that tools similar AI person made it imaginable for unauthorized users to usage the ocular and audio information of immoderate idiosyncratic to make deepfakes. The tribunal held that Anil Kapoor’s likeness, image, persona, etc, each merit to beryllium protected nether intelligence spot law, and truthful users cannot make deepfakes without consent for their ain commercialized purposes. 

The tribunal besides observed that the ineligible extortion accorded to free-speech referring to nationalist figures includes satire wrong its ambit, but does not see code that jeopardizes the “individual’s personality" oregon “attributes associated with (them)…"

Television writer Rajat Sharma has besides approached the Delhi precocious tribunal seeking wide orders connected deepfakes, including directions for entree to beryllium blocked to bundle applications that alteration their creation. The Delhi precocious tribunal volition see this lawsuit further successful July 2024.

Satire versus defamation successful the satellite of deepfakes: While the Delhi precocious court’s determination successful the Anil Kapoor lawsuit does supply a Lakshman Rekha, oregon reddish enactment connected what is acceptable, the question of however deepfakes interact with the instrumentality of defamation remains open. 

Defamation, nether civilian law, has 2 aspects: first, the work of contented successful immoderate medium, and second, the contented that is frankincense placed successful the nationalist domain is recovered to little the estimation of its subject.

One enactment of defence against defamation is that it qualifies arsenic ‘fair comment,’ which typically includes forms of satire, parody oregon mimicry, depending connected the circumstantial statements made and discourse successful which the contented is published. The aforesaid standards cannot beryllium straight applied to deepfakes.

Also read: From Ratan Tata, Sachin Tendulkar to Madusudan Kela: 9 well-known personalities who were victims of deepfake videos

In the lawsuit of satirical drawings and depictions successful movie oregon substance of an individual, a fair-minded spectator oregon scholar is alert that the contented successful question did not really originate from the taxable of the satire. However, caller probe suggests adjacent fair-minded radical whitethorn person trouble determining whether statements oregon actions are attributable to the taxable of a deepfake.

However, if a deepfake creates the illusion that its taxable has said oregon done thing that would harm the person’s reputation, it would arguably nary longer suffice arsenic an sentiment oregon satire. Defamation whitethorn originate not lone from the contented of specified a deepfake, but besides from the mis-attribution of words and actions to the idiosyncratic depicted.

Celebrities celebrated for promoting a steadfast manner oregon greenish causes could person their estimation harmed by deepfakes that picture them discussing a emotion for junk-food oregon flying connected a backstage jet. These situations look to autumn extracurricular the ambit of protected satire, recognized by the Delhi High Court successful the Anil Kapoor case.

Balanced usage of deepfakes for the instauration of satire: While respective jurisdictions, including India, spot a morganatic nationalist involvement successful satire, the evident signs that usually pb an assemblage to reason that the contented they’re consuming is satirical are apt to beryllium missing successful hyper-realistic deepfakes. The usage of disclaimers connected deepfakes tin mitigate the hazard that a spectator volition beryllium misled into taking the contented arsenic genuine.

The EU present requires AI-generated content, including deepfakes, to beryllium labelled arsenic such. A akin measurement is included successful advisories issued by India’s ministry of electronics and accusation exertion connected 1 March and 15 March 2024.

Indian courts person held that adjacent wherever contented does not, from its context, look to beryllium defamatory, a disclaimer indicating that the contented is satire whitethorn usefully safeguard the rights of each parties.

Also read: Tackling deepfake menace requires legal, tech, societal measures, accidental experts

As deepfakes go progressively apt to walk for genuine portrayals, contented that is meant to parody alternatively than deceive whitethorn inactive beryllium defamatory. Clear warnings that specified satirical contented is generated utilizing AI, and that it does not really question to picture existent events, could assistance negociate spectator expectations and trim the likelihood of unintended defamation charges and their penal consequences.

Hardik Malik, subordinate astatine Khaitan & Co, contributed to this article.

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