Seven years of GST: Its adoption has been a remarkable success

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premium Opinion

Dinesh Kanabar & Ranjeet Mahtani 5 min read 30 Jun 2024, 03:00 PM IST

The bosom  of the GST authorities   is its code, comprising the Central GST Act, Integrated GST Act and assorted  rules framed. (PTI) The bosom of the GST authorities is its code, comprising the Central GST Act, Integrated GST Act and assorted rules framed. (PTI)


  • The taxation has performed good contempt instrumentality tweaks and input-credit glitches and present needs its appellate tribunal operational. Let’s anticipation the GSTAT is up and moving by 2024 end.

On 1 July 2017, erstwhile the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was implemented successful India, 1 could not person guessed the size of monthly gross collections 7 years ahead. May 2024 reported gross collections of 1.73 trillion. 

The mean successful the aboriginal signifier was astir 0.9 trillion, which contiguous hovers astatine upwards of 1.5 trillion. The applicable information reveals a widening of the taxation base, accrued compliance, plugged leakages and amended enforcement.

A hat-tip to the GST Council is archetypal successful order. It is India’s largest and astir palmy Constitutional assemblage till date; astir recommendations emerged by means of a statement among members, with voting seldom required. And the Council has ably guided and shaped GST successful India.

The motto, “One nation, One market, One tax," captured however GST aimed to destruct inter-state barriers to trade, fostering economical integration and enhancing the easiness of doing business. The labyrinthine operation of the erstwhile indirect taxes authorities often hindered inter-state trade, burdened businesses with aggregate compliance requirements and bred inefficiencies successful the proviso chain. 

Also read: Reset GST to marque it a 'good and elemental tax'

The GST authorities brought the federation nether 1 umbrella by subsuming 17 taxes and 13 cesses; its architecture was a victor from the beginning. It has eased however we bash concern successful India; nary longer bash we witnesser goods carriers queuing up astatine octroi oregon introduction taxation check-posts for hours connected end. Let’s instrumentality a person look done 4 prisms.

Digitalization: GST has been successful consonance with the clarion telephone for a ‘Digital India.’ The taxation strategy is astir afloat digital, making it acceptable for the future. Technology was harnessed from the get go, starting with registration to each compliances and filings being done online via the GSTN portal. 

The Revenue Department has taken to information analytics and assorted technology-enabled tools to assistance it during audit and appraisal proceedings. After overcoming archetypal teething issues, including a still-born recognition matching system, contiguous the GST authorities has an awesome monthly throughput of accusation recorded. 

The issuance of e-way bills for question of goods (valued implicit 50,000) and e-invoicing for registered suppliers (with a turnover of implicit 50 million) has provided timely information to the Revenue Department to observe and discourage non-compliance and fraud. A staggering 103 cardinal e-way bills (inter-state and intra-state) were generated successful March 2024 alone.

The GST law: The bosom of the GST authorities is its code, comprising the Central GST Act, Integrated GST Act and assorted rules framed. The authorities has been nimble successful updating this code; determination person been much than 250 amendments to the cardinal statute and much than 500 changes of cardinal rules. Besides these, the different enactments and rules person been amended from clip to time. 

Also read: Seven years on, GST inactive sparks Centre-state friction

Hundreds of notifications person been issued for GST rates, exemptions and different ineligible aspects. The precocious held 53rd gathering of the GST Council had recommendations connected a assortment of topics that volition instrumentality the signifier of statutory amendments. Similarly, the GST Council has successful the past (and again astatine the 53rd meeting) recommended much than a twelve topics (mostly ineligible issues) connected which clarifications volition beryllium issued. 

It cannot beryllium said that the codification was flawless, but the measurement of changes reveals an intent to improvise and amended the instrumentality truthful that it evolves successful effect to shifting circumstances. In turn, tax-law practitioners, taxpayers and the medication person been tasked with wrapping their minds astir an ever-evolving law, lest determination beryllium a lapse oregon transgression.

Input taxation credit: This set-off strategy has been the cloth of GST, a acold outcry from the erstwhile taxation authorities that led to a cascade of taxes. The GST authorities has each but eliminated the cascading effect of taxes by enabling taxpayers to assertion input taxation recognition (ITC) seamlessly. 

Anecdotally, assorted sectors, including logistics, manufacturing and retail, person witnessed operational efficiencies and outgo savings owed to GST. The Prime Minister precocious noted that GST has been reformative, arsenic it led to goods for household usage becoming cheaper, translating into savings for the communal man.

The integer matching of ITC was not operationalized successful the archetypal years of GST, and truthful the displacement from provisional availment to invoice-level reconciliation (Form GSTR-2A/2B) has been challenging and a hard alteration for taxpayers. Unfortunately, this resulted successful an avoidable avalanche of mismatch notices that forms the bulk of today’s GST-related litigation successful India.

Some aspects of the taxation recognition strategy necessitate a relook truthful arsenic support a cascading effect of taxes astatine bay. The GST Council should revisit the blockage of ITC connected construction-related expenditure, especially, fixed however the instauration of infrastructure oregon immoderate different immoveable apparatus tin make taxable revenue. 

The inclusion of petrol, diesel, aviation substance and earthy state successful the GST net, portion importantly expanding collections, volition connection alleviation from a taxation cascade successful a large depletion category.

Litigation and quality resolution: An effectual mechanics for quality solution is the backbone of immoderate taxation regime, particularly truthful successful India, wherever taxation litigation is widespread. On this front, the GST authorities has fallen short. Seven years since the taxation rollout, we inactive bash not person an operational GST Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT). 

The lack of this mechanics has led to a backlog of litigation and burdened our precocious courts. Ironically, adjacent the setting-up and model of the GSTAT underwent ineligible challenges, though the decks person been cleared for it. Hopefully, the GSTAT volition beryllium up and moving wrong calendar twelvemonth 2024.

Also read: GST Council meeting: Tax rates changed for goods & services; Here’s what gets cheaper & costlier

In conclusion, GST successful India is present to stay, dissimilar successful Malaysia, which introduced it and abolished it successful little than 5 years. Indubitably, the Indian GST authorities volition spell from spot to spot aft the inclusion of petro-sector commodities and further digitalization. In clip to come, possibly the Indian GST authorities volition beryllium hailed globally arsenic a exemplary for different economies to follow.

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