Donna Nelson’s young granddaughter allowed Japanese prison visit

2 days ago 3

Donna Nelson’s 3 twelvemonth aged granddaughter has been granted support to sojourn the 58 twelvemonth aged wrong the Japanese situation she has been held successful for 18 months.

But the kid had to beryllium chaperoned by lawyers aft her parents, Nelson’s girl and lad successful law, were denied visitation rights.

Donna Nelson remains successful  a Japanese situation  and is allowed lone  constricted  interaction  with the extracurricular  world.

Donna Nelson remains successful a Japanese situation and is allowed lone constricted interaction with the extracurricular world.

It’s an illustration of Japan’s harsh justness strategy and comes connected the time Nelson’s cause smuggling proceedings was scheduled to begin.

WAToday revealed connected Tuesday the proceedings was unexpectedly delayed by up to six months.

The miss was the archetypal household subordinate allowed to sojourn the Indigenous assemblage person and erstwhile Greens campaigner since her apprehension 18 months ago. It’s understood the kid remained down unafraid solid during the sojourn which was described by household members arsenic ‘bittersweet’.

Nelson’s girl Kristal Hilare had already boarded flights to Tokyo via Cairns with her hubby and girl erstwhile they were informed of the proceedings delay. A connection prohibition remains successful place, with Nelson prohibited from speaking with household friends and different prisoners. To day her lone visitors person been lawyers, embassy unit and a pastor.


Nelson’s household has said she was groomed for 2 years by a Nigerian emotion scammer, and was either forced oregon tricked into carrying a container filled with drugs by the antheral she had fallen for, known lone arsenic “Kelly”.

Nelson archetypal travelled to Japan to conscionable Kelly aft the brace met done an online dating tract called AfroIntroductions.

He claimed to beryllium the proprietor of a couture marque and yet allegedly convinced Nelson to sojourn him, buying business-class tickets to alert her to Tokyo via Singapore, Laos and Vietnam.

Her household believes it was during her three-day halt successful Laos that Nelson met with an subordinate of “Kelly” and came to beryllium successful possession of the container that Japanese authorities aboriginal uncovered astatine the airport.

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