States revolt over foreign student caps

2 days ago 4

Two states person criticised the Albanese government’s planetary acquisition crackdown arsenic an overreaction to a short-term migration surge, arsenic Home Affairs says the Commonwealth doesn’t person the capableness to negociate caps placed connected overseas students without “significant” development.

NSW and South Australia person warned national Labor its contentious propulsion to thrust down planetary pupil numbers risks damaging Australia’s planetary estimation and economical lasting up of a slated statement successful parliament this week implicit laws to bounds overseas students.

States pass    the Commonwealth’s planetary   pupil  crackdown could harm Australia’s reputation.

States pass the Commonwealth’s planetary pupil crackdown could harm Australia’s reputation.Credit: Fiona Bianchinotti

“An excessive simplification successful pupil numbers volition person important antagonistic consequences for the economy, including occupation losses, labour shortages, constrained concern environment, reduced tourism enactment and probe output,” NSW Trade Minister Anoulack Chanthivong and Tertiary Education Minister Steve Whan wrote to national ministers successful May.

They said a highest successful planetary pupil numbers, and an 18.1 per cent simplification successful pupil visa grants for March compared to March 2019, suggested an “over-correction” successful effect to past year’s surge of arrivals.

“State authorities officials successful overseas markets are reporting reputational harm to Australia, noting that the treatment connected visas is affecting Australia’s broader lasting arsenic a spot to bash business,” their missive said, urging caution by considering semipermanent economical needs.

In a submission to a parliamentary enquiry into the projected pupil caps, the South Australian authorities warned that Canada, since imposing caps, had slipped successful rankings arsenic a destination of choice, and cautioned against the breadth of ministerial discretion implicit the clampdown.

The authorities said that if the powers came into force, “there is simply a hazard the existent strengths of the assemblage … are traded distant for a short-term request to trim the fig of planetary students onshore owed to an exceptional betterment from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In its submission to the Senate committee scrutinising the bill, the Department of Home Affairs said caller resources would beryllium needed to springiness effect to the policy.

“The Department notes that palmy implementation volition besides beryllium babelike connected the interagency sharing of information crossed halfway systems, which is apt to necessitate important improvement for some the Department and Department of Education,” the submission reads.

“The Department notes that further processing systems changes volition beryllium required to springiness afloat effect to these amendments.”


Universities Australia main enforcement Luke Sheehy, who is campaigning against what helium calls the scapegoating of planetary students amid a statement successful national parliament implicit the measurement of migration, seized connected the department’s submission to statement the caps “rushed argumentation and legislative responses to governmental problems”.

“We person called connected the authorities to defer implementation retired to 2026, with due transitional arrangements to enactment our universities during this play of change, and we’ll proceed to advocator for this,” Sheehy said.

“International acquisition contributed $48 cardinal to the system and drove fractional of Australia’s GDP maturation past year. Our assemblage needs bully policy, not politics, to proceed delivering for the nation.”

Labor and the Coalition are facing disconnected implicit migration earlier the adjacent national predetermination arsenic some nexus the post-pandemic planetary pupil surge to Australia’s lodging shortage.

A spokesperson for Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said changes to departmental systems “is a wholly regular portion of legislative change”.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has pledged to overhaul Australia’s migration system.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has pledged to overhaul Australia’s migration system.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

O’Neil has antecedently warned the tertiary assemblage “change is difficult” arsenic portion of the government’s ngo to overhaul Australia’s migration programme to halt radical utilizing pupil visas arsenic a backmost doorway to summation work, and to halve nett overseas migration to 260,000 by adjacent July.

“We volition assistance providers enactment done these changes, but we volition not shy distant from making them,” she has said.

International Education Association of Australia caput Phil Honeywood said successive governments had been warned for years the 2 cardinal departments’ IT systems “don’t speech to 1 another”.

“This has led to a ample fig of integrity failures with pupil enrolment systems, and we would impulse the existent authorities to beryllium much transparent arsenic to the afloat implications of these strategy failures,” helium said.


There were astir 674,000 pupil visa holders astatine the extremity of May, up from much than 671,000 2 months before. In the twelvemonth to May, astir 1 successful 5 prospective students’ visa applications were refused.

In its submission, Home Affairs said the legislation, which besides imposes sanctions connected universities and colleges who transcend their caps, was a “balanced effect to the analyzable contented of managing planetary pupil growth”.

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